New Year is over!

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Happy New Year to all my followers!
Last night we saw the new year in at a friends' place. Unfortunately I let my guard down and indulged in a couple of glasses of Moscato and some yummy nibblies which consisted of potato chips and chocolates :(
Upside #1? Hadn't had much to eat all day other than a protein shake in the morning and a grilled chicken burger from Nandos and a few chips for tea. Did a massive workout in the morning then went tenpin bowling for a couple of hours so I think my body was in caloric deficit before the night began anyway.
Upside #2? My body has well and truly been protesting. I felt so sick at the end of the night (around 12.30am). Woke up in the wee small hours of this morning with a horrible stomach ache - I thought I might have been dying! AND I have felt sick all day. Only had a protein shake this morning and small can of tuna with about 3 baby capsicums for lunch. Dinner will be a polenta and herb coated chicken thigh fillet with a small boiled spud. Not that I have felt like eating any of it.
Weigh-in will be on Saturday morning this week so I hope all the pain and suffering I have endured will be worth it . . .


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