Newbie on Duromine 15

  • Author Lennie001
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all,
I am on day 3 of taking Duromine, according to my Dr's scales I'm starting this at 84.6kg. I have my 40th in April and I don't want to be this heavy for that. I found out about 12months ago that I'm gluten intolerant which apparently has contributed to my weight issues, but as I pointed out to the Doc I have been exercising consistently since Oct last year and my weight is holding. So I'm taking the bull by the horns and using this to try and help me with my constant need/want to eat.
So far I've had some of the symptoms, like a huge headache on Day 1, and a little bit of up and down with the mood, and a slight pain in my chest for an hour on the first day. Not feeling super energetic, but it's definitely helping to curb my appetite. The other thing I've noticed today is that I'm getting that 'dry mouth', whereas I didn't so much in my past two days, the only thing I'm doing differently is I haven't had coconut water today so I'm thinking I will have to some more.
Well will keep you posted and keep reading some of your posts as it's definitely easier to learn from others!



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