Not at all pleased >:(

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 17 weigh in

Well.... it was bound to happen. I fell off the rails a bit this week. Just not paying close enough attention to what I am doing and relaxing a bit. Had a big blow out weekend, drinking and a huge restaurant meal. I have been exercising though, waking up at 5:45 am and getting on the treadmill for an hour or going on bike rides if the weather and time permit.

The result. Scales are up to 96.1 kg :confused: that is 0.3 kg up from last week. The last few weeks have been really slow going. I really need to look at changing something but I am not sure what. Will have to think it over. Still my total loss is 20.9 kg so still not too shabby, just wish it was closer to the 25 kilo mark. Only myself to blame though.

Promising better results next week.

Hope everyone else has better results than me this week.

Sharon xoxx


I know how you feel Sharon... We all have a bad week... & 20.9 kg is an amazing loss ..I'm so glad your looking at the big picture wishing you lighter scales for next week

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