not motivated

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
OK so was ment to be healthy eating today but i didnt...
still depressed about pcos i can help but thinking about it how different life would be if i didnt have it or at least if it was found when i was younger, I know its the wrong thoughts i need to be positive but its hard im having a moment.
another thing i found out about it is cravings are not normaly most ppl DONT have cravings yeah they might really feel like chicken then they eat chicken but pcos is more like being preggas u have this craving thats more like a drug and if u dont get it u feel crazy n mood swings and ahhh its just not normal and it would make sence hello hormons are not normal but, i just didnt make the connection.

I dont know how to make myself motivated..? all my issues weight, skin, moods and so on are all related to my pcos.
if i didnt know i had pcos i wouldnt feel like this 'ignorance is bliss' I dont know how to shake myself out of it..

I keep saying ill do it 2moro then 2moro getss here n the morning is perfect then bam the arvo hits n i need chocolate or somthing with bad sugar n too much of it...

Can most ppls weight be a medical thing? is it more then just eating to much or at the wrong time eh will never really know

all i cn do is plan for 2moro and just try my very best and make my will power stronger then my hormons soo...
5am wake up Im taking a multi vit, evening primrose oil. I read that a coffee helps with weight loss cos it kinda boost ur metabalisum BUT i dont like coffee so im gonna take a no dose.
mornings with food are always good!
its the afternoon i fail epicly SO im going to have an energy drink at about 3 in the arvo then at 4 ill make a strawberrie n soy smoothy and im hoping that will get me past my cravings!! and if it doesnt work ill go back and think of some thing else.

final thought, I feel so alone..


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