Not where I want to be.

  • Author auroraB
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I've hit a wall - I'm struggling with EVERYTHING.

Eating - I was on a weekend trip so I decided not to take duromine so I could enjoy eating (note: It's eating, not OVEReating!) I've literally put on and lost the same 1kg. Not sure what that is about. I'm not really eating cleanly, I am simply not eating. I am struggling with being ok with that.

The gist is that, I've more or less eaten myself to this current state and is it that bad to keep my calories between 500-800 calories while ensuring I eat whole foods and very (simple) carbohydrates (I simply do better without it!) I don't know what to do to be very honest. The last couple days have been a write-off because I've been eating out.

Exercise - I can't exercise because my lower back has been playing up so it hurts to move around. What I do, do is walk. I walk about 10-15,000 steps per day. I have a fairly active job so I am on my feet ALL DAY, in addition to that I walk to work so that's about another 1.5km every day. It's not enough though.

Emotions - Work has been extremely stressful and my personal life is filled with anxiety due to a close family member. I have good and bad days, today isn't the best.

This is where I am. Should I continue with duromine and stick to a 500-800 caloric diet? That is simply what I eat when I'm on duromine. I've tried to eat more but it almost always leads to over eating.

Part of me wants to give up especially after I read a study about your body always wanting to be heavier than your heaviest weight before losing weight. It feels like an uphill battle.

Excuse me while I cry.


Ohhh lovely I just read this :(
How are you doing now??
Feeling any better at all?
If it helps my calorie intake is between 500-900 a day and I still feel hungry at times lol, I love my food .
Your doing so well with your steps !! Keep up the good work.
Haaaa bloody families huh, can pick them sadly! I get it :) and also the anxiety and stress, I've just came off three years of anti depressants and now trying to handle things myself.... It's not easy especially with what life throws at us and can seem so unfair at times..... But in a hard way it also makes us stronger .
Just do the best you can and know your doing for YOU, we are all human lovely and can make mistakes that's what makes us humans :)
Your doing good, just keep going you'll get to where you want to be eventually
Sending you big squishy hugs xxxxx
A couple days ago, I've hit my first month mark on duromine. A total of 6kg which I'm pretty happy with. My doctor ended up leaving for another state so, I've had to make an appointment with a different doctor. I was super worried about it but as it turns out, nothing to worry - he filled up another script for the next month. Ordered blood tests to check that everything is still ok.

I've got 2 pills left from my first month of duromine then it's back to the gym since my lower back has healed.

So excited! I'm looking to repeat these results.
Well done you!! Yay congrats
Haaa it's funny how everyone worries about getting the script again. God in NZ there's Duromine dr and he hands it out like there's no tomorrow , my friend was on it for agessssss but he was the duromine dr! Think he's still going too.
Why do they do blood tests?? Any idea?
Good luck with your new month Hun
Thanks Vix! The doctor usually does a blood test to check that there's not another reason for not being able to lose weight via exercise or diet so it's a test of iron, vit b12 and a bunch of others I think.
Oh haaa I didn't think of that!!
My bloods naughty so I thought I'd be stuffed if he wanted any tests on it but yay he hasn't and hopefully doesn't .
Thanks lovely and good luck xxx
Today is Day 1 of Month 2.

I've been down with a cold for the last couple days but I decided to start today because eating mindlessly wasn't very productive.

I forgot how awesome it is to not be hungry.

What I ate today - a latte, two Chinese steamed buns, water, a bowl of seafood marinara linguini. Not the most healthy but beats over eating! I'm hoping to work out over the weekend.

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2 min read
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