
  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Yesterday I was not quite right and couldn't really put my finger on what was wrong.
I was super busy, coffee with my dad then had to do a speech and three tests at school (end of semester).
I slept ok. Just felt a bit off. I was super dry in my throat and my face felt dry and warm. My stomach was a little squeemy too. Nothing major just a niggle. :oops:
My mood was up for most of the day but towards the end of the day I was quite introverted. Not down, just not really wanting to get involved in conversation.
Have woken up this morning quite refreshed. Still have to have breakfast. It is weird, I really have no interest in food at all. Before I couldn't stop eating.
I really haven't had the difficulties sleeping that most people experience. I wake in the middle of the night (which is normal) but get back to sleep fine. When I am awake during the day I am not as tired as I was before, and I could stay up and be alert till very late if I wanted to, but once hubby says bed time, my head hits the pillow and I drift off easily. Hope this keeps up.
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