once again with Duromine

  • Author missduromine
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello.. Im a newbie here in the forum.
A full time mom of 1 toddler
30 year old 165 and 89 Kgs

I used to take Duromine in year 2009. It works so great for me.

Now after pregnancy and bad eating habits. Im sits on 89 Kgs.

Just got myself a duromine 30mg again and today is my 1st day.

I dont know if it will work for me again or not Because I feel my metabolism is bad and I gain weight easily.

I just worried it wont work like last time and wonder if I should step up to 40mg or not. this medicine is not cheap but I dont mind if it will help me get my life back.. ☺
I hope it will help me out again..


2nd Day - last night about 11pm i had nausea and I feel a little hungry.. I dont know why.. I had my dinner. Didnt skip the meal though..

Today I took the pill at 11am like yesterday because I hope it will help me suppress my appertite until late because I kinda go to bed quite late..
i hope it wont make me feel nausea like yesterday..

Keep going! I will be patient and make sure it works like the 1st time again..

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