
  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
just a bad day......

went for my ultra sound today.. seems yes i have PCOS the guy that did the ultrasound was very nice and explained a lot to me he was youngish 25-30yo made me fgeel better wasnt some old guy I dont know why...

nxt week i go to my doctor and guess he will tell me what to do nxt probs have to go on the pill maybe metformin.. the one plus side is it will most likly help a lot with weight loss (prob the reason i got to the weight im at now fucking pcos).
BUT im scared what if i change as a person, who i am now with the way my hormons are is me its who i always thought i was. But to make my body healthy i need to take the pills that put my hormones in order and what if my whole persona changes what if im not who i am now........
i cant find a pcos forum the only thing ppl ever talk about is trying to have a friggin baby and im soo not on the baby making track

ahhhh needless to say my diet went out the window today just call me emotional eater 101 2moro back on track and keeping my goal of 2kg a week as i will have a doctor weigh in nxt monday.


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