Pizza is the root of all evil

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Day nineteen on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Woke up with a bounce before 8am. Had a mandarin for breakfast. Started cleaning then arranged for the lil man to have an excursion to the toy library today so i had some free time to do my dancing. Did an hour of dance central and then an hour of just dance 3. technically all up it was 2.5 hours but i always deduct a small portion of time from the workout time listed due to song change time and drink breaks etc.
It was a little harder to accomplish today as i seem to have hurt the ball of my left foot under my big toe, as soon as i apply pressure to the area i experience a great deal of shooting pain. Not cool. As the lil man was still out i got to have a shower immediately after doing the dancing :) sheer bliss. I noticed after i finished drying that most of the scabbing had come away from the wound in my navel which i was really happy about- i have been jumping a fair amount in the dancing and it bothers me very little now aside from the fact that i am still sleeping on my back as much as possible to prevent any further weeping or 'scabbing'. What i did notice though was a white thread protruding from the wound o_O i was told my stitches were dissolvable so to find one 3 weeks later is a bit like 'say wha...?' i tugged gently on it and it wouldn't give.. sat stressing about it for 5 minutes then tugged (gently) again on it and it came away but i could see there was more in there. Not sure if that's normal or not.
I ate some pepperoni when i was packing lil mans lunch for kindy at around 4pm. For tea at 5pm i made single serve pizzas.. Carbs yea :(. My son and his father had two each, i had one and one slice of garlic bread. I wanted to eat another one so bad. Maybe its the pizza or doing the dancing for a bit longer I'm not sure but i am soooo very hungry tonight. I keep making doe eyes at the food products. I have managed to restrain myself from eating any more as i know eating after dinner in particular is a danger zone for me. I can honestly say this is the hardest it has been in the last 19 days because i just don't feel full sated or satisfied. I drank 3 litres of water today.
Went for an after dinner walk again. Closer to 20 minutes than half hour. Same distance as yesterday but i may have run more. I did not enjoy it tonight. I brought my meal back up into my mouth while running at one point and even after returning home my chest was tight and sore for about half an hour. They say it gets easier the more you do it o_O they lied THEY LIED. Still, I'm looking forward to tomorrow and after the cleaning getting the dancing done while lil man is in kindy and even running again after tea.
I have noticed some definite puckering of the skin around my belly and sides and i am hoping that this is conducive to my losing weight.. Hoping.


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