Please fuck off fat

  • Author Daisyflower
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone
I'm 25 and have noticed that lately I have put on weight.
When I got on the scales I was expecting to be around 72kg and usually I exaggerate to myself so you can imagine how surprised I was when the scales said 84.
Obviously I thought they were broken so I bought new ones.
I can't begin to tell you how disgusting I felt and how upset I was for a few days.
2 years ago I was 60kg and thought I was fat.
Now I am very overweight.

This is about day 4 on duromine.
I've walked 6km each day and joined the gym.
I'm ashamed of what I've become. I've had a very traumatic 6 months with regards to my work life and am having some time off. So there's no excuse for me to stay this way.
I have a great supportive partner who has also put on weight but nothing like me.
I think because I've been so fragile it's stopped anyone commenting on my weight.

Can anyone give me any advice or let me know their own experiences?
My diet is reduced significantly. No carbs, calorie counting etc. I'm trying so hard but it's not easy. I'm still having cravings.

I want to know realistic timeframes as to when I'll lose the weight.

Height 165cm

SW: 83
Mini goal:70

Thanks. Hope to hear from you.
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Hello Daisyflower! Congratulations, dear, on your eyes opening wide and on the decision you made to immediately address the issue. BRAVO! I am sure you will be able to reach your goal, especially that you have such a supporting partner. You two might enjoy working out together. It’s really fun and sooo effective.

What is Duromine dosage you’re on? The appetite suppression might need some time to start working 100%. In some people, it didn’t hit before day 9. Focus on your goals and program and try to deceive your body with a glass of water every time you feel hungry when you shouldn’t. Remember one thing: your diet must be the one that you will be able to stick to after you finish Duromine. Otherwise, you might gain back everything you will manage to lose. Concentrate on healthier food choices, smaller portions, 3 main meals and 2-3 healthy snacks, plenty of water and increased daily activity. Be consistent and you will succeed!
Hi there
Today was my weekly weigh in.

CW: 79.8
GW: 60/65

I was really happy with the loss but I know it's mainly water weight.
I am on duromine 15mg.

So far I'm eating little as I'm not that hungry. Everything I eat is healthy and I've had lots of veggies.
I'm walking 6km 3 times a week and going to the gym the other days.
I haven't been active in the past so it's all new to me.
I know I should be eating more but I'm honestly loving the suppressed appetite especially as I've just stopped taking Mirtazapine which caused me to put on 13kg since April.

I'm getting pretty hungry by 5pm. So maybe I need a higher dosage but it is affecting my sleep already. I've had bad insomnia for years so I regularly take sleeping tablets. Im lucky that I have that to help with the duromine sleeplessness.

I can't notice weight loss yet but hopefully with more kilos down I'll start to feel lighter!
Hello Daisyflower! Great results! Congrats! Well done on such active lifestyle and hope you will get used to it very soon and start truly enjoying the moments when you overcome yourself and reach new levels.

As for the hunger… you said yourself that you eat pretty little… Amm.. when you get hungry by 5 PM, do you have a meal then? Do you need a usual portion or get full with less food? What about trying to balance your nutrition a bit, so that no more than 2-3 hours pass between the food intake. Now that you eat very little, it might be a good scheme. Just suggesting… and it might help with strong hunger. Thus, your body will be properly fueled all day long and you won’t be experiencing any drops of blood sugar, which make you hungry. One more thing… don’t forget to drink enough water.

You definitely will see the difference. At times, people don’t notice difference until their clothes start falling off them. =)) The psychological aspect is also very important… Best of luck and have a great weekend!
Hey Daisy,
Your first post asked for experiences, advice, time frames etc.
Obviously there are no time frames as everyone is completely different but I thought you might get some answers to your questions from all my blogs I posted last year (there are heaps. I also did a 7 day example of my meals so people see what I was eating and how I worked that in with my partner. I also did it to make my self accountable and something to look back on as a reference down the track). I posted every week my journey including weight stats for each weekly weigh. Sporadic measurements and before after photos along the way.

Reason I'm offering this to you is I also am 165cm and my start weight was similar to yours (I was 86ish kgs when I started duromine)

Anyway, up to you. I just wanted to offer a hand as I just found it really motivating on my journey when I read people in similar height/weight ranges as me who had been successful.

I won't say good luck because I dont believe weight loss has anything to do with luck, but I will say, be strong, be accountable, be honest, believe in yourself, be kind to yourself, and give it everything you can!! We only get one life so let's make it a healthy one. YOU deserve it. So go take it!!!!

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