Ready for week 3

  • Author Miss T
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well I lost 3.7kg in the first week, my second week my weight didnt change at all, which was a bit dissapointing but I didnt let it get me down. Week 2 my mood was all over the place.
This morning, i stepped on the scale and I have now lost a total of 4.3kg. I am very happy with that. Just to see the numbers going down after a whole week of being stuck is a relief. I did skip a day on Saturday and not sure if that had any help with getting the weightloss going again. I am now at the start of week 3 and feeling really good. My mood has improved, back to my normal happy self and my confidence is growing every day.

I hope everyone has a happy and successful week

Miss T
SW 76kg
CW 71.7kg
GW 57kg
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Miss T
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1 min read
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