School holidays! Day 3

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So school holidays have began :) and that means no rush hour mornings for 2 wks lol
I slept good last night and yesterday had a pretty good day! Brought a size 18 shirt (tight fitting) and it fit!! Snug and just right! It is a singlet so wore it during my workout last night.. And liked what I seem in the mirror ;) there were still some bulgers and love handles but I actually looked slimmer and they were not as near as bad as they were !!! I felt very confident and wondered if the kids would notice so I strolled around the house lol and yes I was feeling a little vein and my eldest said to me " wow mum you are getting skinny" with a very excited little face! :') this was my proudest moment yet! Also the hubby made a comment and said he could really notice the difference also! I must say the self confidence bubble got a little bigger :)!!!

Another positive from this whole journey is my daughter is now asking me which foods are good and not healthy before she eats them and I can actually have the knowledge to teach her which are and aren't healthy!

I smashed my own training last night and my triceps and legs are feeling it today lol

My classes are on break til school goes back so for the next 2 wks everything will be from home :) I am signing up for 2 morning classes 6am and one evening 630pm a week for 10 weeks starting after school holidays! And by the end of it I am really hoping to be very close to or even at my goal weight! By the end of the next 12 wks :)
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