Second week - 7kg lost

  • Author jaslyn
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well it's been exactly 2 weeks and so far so good. I went to my doctor and she weighed me and my weight is 82.5kg so I have lost 7kg in 2 weeks. She did say that it would probably plateau out and expect to lose 1 or 2kg max per week. I've been on prednisolone for maybe 6 months, and I stopped that about 3 weeks ago, so some of that weight loss is probably fluid because prednisolone causes horrible fluid retention and well as that moon face - anyone who has taken it long term will know what I mean.

Still I am pretty happy, considering I've had 2 nights where I've drank wine, we had pizza one night, Chinese one night and I've had little exercise because it's been so hot and I've been exhausted. I guess what has caused the weight loss is smaller portions - normal person size portions :) also I haven't been eating bread, pasta or cheese - when I have those I just eat way too much.

I'm really tired, so I have been drinking too much coffee - 3 cups a day. I'm going to try a switch to peppermint tea.

My doctor gave me a script and a repeat for 30mg and then I'm done. Because I've been taking 2 of my 15mg tablets to make it up to 30mg I won't be on Duromine the full 3 months.

I've had no side effects from Duromine, but I am also on my first month of Zoladex and that has been a freekin nightmare. Hot flushes, break outs, night sweats, joint pain. But I am only on Zoladex for 3 months this time to control endometriosis so I can live with it. Last time I was on it for 2 years and I honestly think it was one of the reasons I got divorced lol!

Good luck and take care everyone X


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