Weigh in and I think I'm building up a tolerance

  • Author jaslyn
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I weighed myself yesterday, I walked past a chemist with scales out the front so I thought why not. I am 80kg - I don't take off clothes or shoes to weigh myself. It's not as much of a weight loss as other people have had, but I've been exercising and I can see muscle definition appearing on my legs and my clothes are much looser so I know I've been losing a lot of body fat and I'm pretty happy with that.

Yesterday I was sick, ear infection and sore throat, so I thought stuff it and ate a fair bit more than usual in the evening because it was a non Duromine day and I was hungry. Feel a bit better today, I had my Duromine this morning and not had any hunger or side effects. I think I'm building up a tolerance to it because on my non Duromine days I'm getting pretty hungry by mid afternoon so I'm thinking of trying 30mg two days in a row, or going 30,15,30 etc


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