Starting Duromine Feels!

  • Author Maddie(:
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Hi everyone!!
I’ve decided to share my journey as duromine has been something I have been interested in for ages and would constantly research.
Here is some back round info

I am 21 years old, from Sydney. I am about 175cm and weigh about 70kgs. I wouldn’t say I am fat or overweight, I have quite a big frame so I seem to hide it rather well (in clothes anyway)I would say I am chubby. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. I seem to constantly go up and down. I have always wanted to try duromine as I have always found it really hard to lose weight. The last three months have been hard for me, I lost my little cousin unexpectedly and found I was just constantly eating as it made me feel better. Before I knew it I had gained a fair bit of weight and seem to have no muscle definition in me at all. I feel the lowest I have ever felt.

I decided I would go to my doctor and not ask for duromine, but explain how I was feeling and see what he would say/what he would recommend I do. After a blood test showing there was nothing wrong with me that was making me gain weight, my doctor decided to prescribe me duromine 30mg. I was so excited, I felt hopeful that I would be able to finally lose weight as teach myself some better habits.

Day 1,

First day I was actually kind of nervous after reading about all the side effects. I decided to open up the capsule and only take half. I don’t think it worked at all. The most I noticed was my heart rate going right up just after I had taken it. Still ate as normal and slept fine.

Day 2,

I took a full tablet. Straight away I felt energised and soooo happy. I work in real estate and Saturday’s are always busy days at open homes constantly meeting and talking to people. Usually after I finish on saturdays I am literally exhausted mentally and physically, but not today! I ended up only eating one meal & a piece of fruit. I definitely struggled to get to sleep then once I fell asleep I struggled to stay asleep. My Apple Watch told me I had 3 hours sleep. Didn’t really have any side effects.

Day 3,

I woke up almost feeling hungover due to lack of sleep. Before duromine i usually have atleast 8-9 hours of sleep and still struggle to wake up. Had a slight headache, dizzy, my body felt tired but my eyes didn’t feel like sleeping at all. Didn’t eat breaky because the thought of food made me feel sick. I took the duromine and definitely felt better, a bit more energised. I still had a slight headache and the dizziness. But was able to power on and be active. I hit a wall at 3pm and had a massive headache, nauseous and just felt shit. I actually didn’t eat up until 4.30pm which I know probably isn’t good. My body felt really really tense like I had been constantly clenching myself and hadn’t relaxed at all. I noticed I was clenching my jaw heaps and my body literally felt exhausted. Decided I need to eat more, force myself to eat even when I don’t feel like it. Slept for almost 3 hours again.

Day 4,

Monday morning, didn’t feel amazing but I never do on a Monday. Took my duromine when I woke up at 7am and decided to eat some toast for breakfast. I didn’t really feel the duromine kick in at all. I felt really tired, drained and so not bothered. Had a huge headache, my body feels so tense it’s starting to become painful, especially my jaw. I am struggling to be able to relax my body, I am always clenching myself subconsciously. I felt really nauseous. I took two Advil’s as I had sooo much work to do and I was really struggling to focus. It was the first day I actually felt hungry and wanted to eat. I had a sandwich for lunch and that made me feel a bit better, for a moment anyway. After work I have pretty much showered, eaten a tiny dinner and gone straight to bed. Lying in bed now I don’t feel to bad, just the slight headache and exhaustion. I hope I get a better sleep tonight.

I am really hoping I will get over these side effects as I am starting to worry I won’t be able to continue as I have a really busy work life and can’t be a scatterbrain like this everyday. I am open to any suggestions!! If anyone knows how to cope with the side effects or what to do about them??

Just to recap, my main side effects so far -




Struggling to focus

Clenching jaw & body

Dry mouth hasn’t been to much of an issue, just been drinking as much water as I can

Thanks for reading this far, I will try and update as much as I can!
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@Maddie(: sounds as though you could be experiencing quite a few of the most common side effects, but something to keep in mind, is that the first three symptoms you listed is also that of sugar withdrawal as well.

I was like this until around day 7 or 8 (if I remember correctly) and was placing the blame on Duromine, and even went to only 1 tablet every other day for my second week, thinking yep this why... when in fact it was sugar withdrawal instead. I went from having up to 8 coffee's a day with 2 sugars each (16 teaspoons of added sugar a day) to down to 2 coffees a day with 1 sugar each. Losing that 14 teaspoons of added sugar threw me for a loop.

There is also a lot of (natural) sugars in juice and fruit and I had also given them away at the start because I was worried about craving sweets.

Clenching jaw and body: Gum helped me a lot for my jaw and I heartily recommend an Epsom Salt bath for your body. Try and soak for at least 20 minutes if not longer, and you feel like a wet noodle when you get out!

A magnesium supplement will also help your body to relax your muscles!

Stuggling to focus: It's probably lack of sleep. I heartily recommend getting an OTC sleeping aid to let you adjust. I am on my 6th week now and what I do is if I go for more than 2 days with less than 6 - 10 hours sleep, on the third day I will have a sleeping aid.

Low GI carbs will help you. You can add rolled oats in the morning for more focus and longer lasting energy. I have them every other day and its definitely helped me.

Nausea - Eating will most definitely help. My first week this happened to me all the time, but when I remembered my food and to eat, it went away. Try a couple of mouthfuls of yoghurt or grab a healthy snack when this happens and see if it subsides.

If you are on a multi vitamin regime as well, keep doing it! I made the mistake of stopping my vitamins when taking Duromine, when in fact I felt so much better when I started them up again.

Hope this helps!
Wow thanks so much for your tips. Congrats to making it to week 6! You should be so proud of yourself

I ended up having the worst time on duromine. My body just couldn’t take it. I have never felt so sick in my life. I had a constant extreme headache and the nausea was unbearable. I decided to stop taking it a few days ago and the come down was REAL! I am still feeling shit.

I am extremely disappointed as I was so hopeful and excited to start my duromine journey. I am annoyed at myself that my body couldn’t get through it.

I haven’t gone back to my doctor just yet but I am considering asking to try the 15mg instead of the 30mg and seeing how the side effects go.

Good luck to you both! I hope you can stick to it & reach your weigh loss goals xx
Oh goodness, I am so sorry for all the side effects that you had to bear, Maddie. Apparently, the dose is too high for you (fingers crossed it's the high dose and not Duromine itself). Trying on 15 mg is a wise idea, and you might consider starting with taking it every other day, to let your body slowly adapt to its action. Did you check your kidney function? If it is a bit slower, the drug could have accumulated in your body and cause an overdose. So, if you do start it again, go slowly. Hope you feel better soon and please don't be angry - it's not your fault, and not your body's fault. The drug is just too strong. Some people can't handle Vitamin C. All the best to you and chin up! Don't give up on your goal!

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