Still Buzzing

  • Author LeeLi
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 7 and still buzzing and my motivation is just amazing - I can't believe it. The energy and motivation I have each morning is fantastic! I did a 90 minute walk this morning and ordinarily that would have killed me! Yesterday I was able to do a 60 minute walk and a 45 min swim. Now I am saying this to demonstrate what it has done for my energy levels and motivation not to brag etc.
Only getting 6 hours sleep each night and so far feeling ok with it - I would usually get 8 hours.
Appetite minimal- moderate. Still consuming 1200 cals roughly. Thirsty as. Drinking heaps (2-3litres)
Weigh in 2moro and I feel really hopeful. ✌️✌
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