Still going strong...3 weeks down the line

  • Author Loulou
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am on my third week of using D for the first time in my life. I had no side effects...none what so ever:) and on weekends I find that I can still have an afternoon nap if I want to and still sleep fine at night. I have lost 3.5kg so far, and this all by having small meals and watching what I am eating. I don't have time for excercise at the moment so I am really trying to do it all with my eating habits.

Mum of 2 (todller of 2yrs and 11yr old)
Stating weight: 88.8kgs
Current Weight: 85.3kgs
Height: 1.72m
Goal Weight: 70-75kg


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