The hardest habit to break is the habit to eat...

  • Author Adri van Zyl
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am 37 years old, married with a 8year old boy and I live in Pretoria in South Africa.
I never used to be overweight, in fact I used to be very sporty and skinny. But then I gradually started gaining weight. Adding to that the additional weight I gained whilst pregnant and voilà the one day you can zip your pants and the next day you can't.
I weighed in at 99.7kg on Monday 06 Oct 2014 and that is also the day I started with Duromine 30mg.
So this is my journey to lose 30kg.
Will I make it? I don't know. Will I try to make it? Yes I will try.
My whole being wants to be comfortable and skinny again, but somewhere along the line, my brain stopped believing that I can do it.
My challenge is thus not just the flesh, but the mysterious nature of my own mind.
I see people change their lives and bodies in front of my eyes, but I could not get that right for myself up to this point.
Now my journey starts and now I have to change myself, in front of my own eyes...
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Welcome Adri we all have to start somewhere good on you ... It's not going to be easy, however the best thing about Duromine is it really works at suppressing your appetite ....Food no longer is the most important thing in your life anymore... Take one day at a time be kind to yourself, drink plenty of water ...I use my fitness pal app on my iPhone to count my calories & log my measurements, weight & exercise ...I find doing this keeps me on tract .... Remember you are human & somtimes we all need to have a day off or week lol ;) ..however it's about staying positive staying motivated and getting back in track ;) Have a great week I look forward to reading your blog :)
Hi Adri, I agree with everything shellyisme has said.
I would add that you have to also have your head in the right space for this to be successful. It sounds like you are ready for this and that is a great beginning. The D does not work in isolation. The right attitude is a huge factor as with any successful weight loss. Good luck.
Hi Adri, Welcome to the Duromine Family.
We all here will support you as much as we possibly can. I also come from SA and "ons meisies ken ons boere kos" (us girls know our food)
It's going to be a bumpy journey, but you will see the weight fall off of. Always remember that YOU CAN!!
From personal experience losing 30kg looks like an uphill battle but it can be done. Like Shelly said, be kind to yourself. Teach yourself some new "food" habits and try to log those calories.

Blog entry information

Adri van Zyl
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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