The idea is to be littlemissmuppet

  • Author Notsolittlemissmuppet
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I have done this before. The I am loosing this weight thing. If I can be honest I have done it several times. There is something different about this time though. I feel it in my soul. I am doing it for me and I tell myself I am older and wiser. So today after two weeks of sensible eating and exercise I spoke to my doctors about boosting my motivation. I weighed in at the doctors at 119kg. I am convinced his scales are broken ( I thought I was just 114kg). What is hilarious is that I don't see my weight except in pictures and when I try to tie shoe laces. My 15 year old refuses to help tie my shoes. Trying to wipe my bottom in the constrained plane toilet is a huge hassle and a week ago travelling from the UK i finally gave in to the humiliation of not being able to wipe yourself properly because you just can't manoeuvre your huge frame in such a small space.

My boyfriend of 7 years has been asking me to marry him for 4 years and I have always found an excuse to say no. It the tranquility and beauty of the Lake District I finally said yes. I thought about my life and what I want for the rest of it. I want to be happy- a big part of this will be to finally conquer my weight issues. I am doing this for me. I am starting this journey with Duromine to help me reach my goals. I am taking baby steps. My goal is to loose at least 2kg every month so that come December 18 I will be at least 98kg. I appreciate Duromine it is not a panacea to my weight issues. I will have to do the hard work. It will be good to have a helping hand especially as I start. I will use this blog to chart my progress and share my thoughts.

Ready, steady here we go
' A journey of a 1000 steps starts with one step'


Good luck Missmuppet!:)

The first thing you should tell yourself is that this should be your new lifestyle. It is not just a diet to look pretty on your wedding day, but to look beautiful always. It is a struggle, but I know it becomes easier when you accept it as a normal routine to eat only healthy foods and to move more. Let me just ask you: is your beloved overweight too? The reason I am asking is because it happens very often that we can't manage to maintain good results after weight loss if our family face the same problem. When you see all that forbidden yummy food in front of you, you feel tempted all the time!

I hope you are not familiar with this problem and your new lifestyle will be joyful and satisfying!
P.S. Duromine is a stimulant, acting in the brain, so I suggest you better not mix with any other stimulants (antidepressants).
Thanks Kate for checking in. Yes my beloved is also overweight. He is very supportive to my new found motivation and I am hoping my success will be motivation for him too- we don't yet live together so its easy to manage food for the time being. I agree this is not just about the wedding dress- though its providing extra motivation. I am learning a day at a time. Today my first day has been ok. I have a slight headache but have just been drinking loads of water. I have a sensible meal plan that I am following to ensure I have all the nutrients that my body needs. Staying focusses and positive. This forum has been godsent

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