The journey from 97.5 to the goal weight of 65 Kg

  • Author Lidz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
When I first started this,I weighed in on Day 3, at 96.5kg. I didn't weigh myself on Day 1. I really felt like I lost weight over the first 3 days, and I have decided to add 1 kg onto my starting weight, so that i feel as though it's a bit clearer to me, and then I feel like I have a clear start and finish.
So I am now on Day 10. How do I feel? My face feels as though I have lost weight. I have lost weight off the top of my back, the back fat (I hate to say) is lowering down my back and there is not as much of it everyday, even though there's some there still. I can't wait until I get rid of it! My arms are only a whisker skinnier. My legs are more trim. I am starting to be able to feel the tops of the bones of my hips, just a little! :)
Last week I went to the gym for half an hour 5 times, and I went for a 25min bike ride everyday. I think the gym is really helping me. I also haven't had any sugar, or cheese, or alcohol. in 10 days! Wow! Unheard of for me!
I have had a piece of wholemeal bread each day though; and variations of a little bit of chicken, veggies, banana, cup of soup. Tonight for tea I had some trim lamb and veggies, just a little serve. I try and eat small bits, and then I have a small dinner.
My sleep is getting better every night, I am still toss and turning a bit, lots of dreams...
Anyway, I weighed in today, and I've gone from the guesstimated 97.5 to 94.1. Very stoked, but still thinking, aw I wish it could have been 93, or 92! I can't wait until I am under 90:) Still it's way more than I would have been able to lose by myself. I am feeling a lot happier too, confidence wise, so I am looking forward to feeling more and more confident:)
All the best everyone:) Here's a toast to bringing back the skinny jeans, he he:)
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Well done. Just remember every little loss adds up to a bigger loss. Glad to hear that your sleep is improving. I have been on D since March 2015 and I still only average 4-5 hours of broken sleep a night with the weirdest dreams :-( but will be worth it in the long run. My hesviest was 122kg at the start of the year (118 when started D) my weight today is 99kg. Starting to feel happier and healthier. Under 90kg is my next goal (hopefully by end of August). Here's to loosing each day and reaching our goals. Oh yeah and skinny jeans. Keep up the great work :)
Thank you Tan, yes, it will be worth it in the long run, and you have achieved so much, well done! It will be great when we are both under 90!:) I am so focused and so determined to do this, and I know that we both will achieve whatever we set our minds too. You are right, every weight loss adds up to the eventual picture:)
This is amazing. Congratulations on the loss. Celebrate every kg Hun BC it's amazing. You'll get there... The lifestyle changes will
See to it. I'm proud x
Congrats Lidz! What a great first wk!!! Awesome loss! I started last Monday too but we had to go away on Friday and getting home tomorrow (wed)(seeing family member in hospital) so I have been taking my tablets everyday still but am a bit nervous/sad to weigh in when I get home now as the end of my first wk on it went out the window - healthy food and exercise wise. Before I left I was 2.2kgs down from mon to thur!! But now I'm not sure :( hope to catch up xx
Thanks Mummyk, yes, it's great, I'm feeling so much more confident about myself too which is lovely. And am definitely making changes lifestyle wise. Tan, I hope that everything goes well, sorry to hear about family member in hospital, if you don't mind me saying. I know that when I am looking after others, sometimes I leave myself to last. Don't worry, you'll be back on track straight away:)
Put a picture of a red bikini up, as I want to wear something like this by the end of my weight loss journey at some stage in summertime when I go surfing, yay:)
Also, I have a little funny confession to make, that might make you laugh:) When I am going for a ride and there is an especially big hill, I say out loud, "Red bikini, red bikini,' until I have reached the top of the hill. Seems to get those legs pumping harder, ha ha:) makes me smile too. x
Hey Lidz, did you do your 2 week weigh in today? How you going? I'm still getting some pretty intense headaches by otherwise feeling pretty good. My 2 week weigh in today had me at 95.2 so only 2.3kgs down for me since starting, but it's better than nothing hey! Hey if I loose a kg a wk for the next 3 months I'll be happy ;)
Hi! I'm back... Heavier than before, 106kg, oh my... I didn't really continue it last time after the 10 days... So I've just started again today. I feel fiercely determined.

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