The weight loss battle

  • Author Nina6789
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
The truth about me.

I'm 24, 160cm tall and currently weighing 82kg. I went to the doctors about my back and knee pain which has increased tenfold since gaining almost 30kg. He suggested I try Duromine (and an MRI as he believes I have chronic back pain) and prescribed me 30mg. Now I know I am not in the obese category but nsw health says that I am (I disagree, overweight maybe, but not obese), it states I should weigh 60kg so I've decided this will be my goal.
1yr ago I quit smoking!!! Yay me. For a short while I had never felt better. Then I started putting on weight, at first it wasn't much just 5 kilos over 2months, so I went on a diet for the first time in my life. Counted calories plus a little exercising but still kept putting on weight. Next step I joined the gym, I was so proud of myself and so enthusiastic going everyday until 1month and a half later I weighed myself and somehow had put on another 5kg??? This killed my enthusiasm. I stopped going to the gym everyday and I turned into twice a week and another month later I stopped completely. Between then and now I have tried running on a treadmill and tried a shake diet with only one meal a day, it left me exhausted, weak and absolutely run down, I had to stop the shake thing although it did work, I lost 5 kg in the month I was on it but when I stopped I put on 10kg :(. Then I did what i swear I will never do again... I gave up.
On went the weight I was over eating, never excersising and too much takeaway, my jeans went from size 8 to a 16 and my self asteem was at an all time low.
This is where I realised I need to start looking at things differently. No more Diets, or at least I call it healthy eating instead, I've started by cutting out fizzy and lollies completely, removed potato and pasta from my dinner meals and pack my own lunch as well as drinking plenty of water instead of cordial. I do have a snack between meals too but it's usually yoghurt or a musli bar.
I started this "healthy eating" 2 weeks ago and I've got to say I'm very proud of myself! In just 2 weeks I've trained my body to not want to over eat all the time and I feel great, not feeling fatigue and bloated at all. I am now 4 days in taking duromine which I'm hoping will help me keep these eating patterns. Please not although it's a hunger suppressor I know I still need to eat enough in a day I want to lose weight in a healthy way!

My experience with duromine
Day 1
82kg, super dry mouth, drank so much water and I've got so much energy, I took my pill at 7 and went to sleep at 11. No issues falling to sleep even considering I usually go to sleep later then that.
Day 2
Basically the same as day 1.
Day 3
Really really dry mouth, drank almost 3 litre between 8am and 5pm. Felt a little sluggish around 4 but I did have a big day at work.
Day 4
Scales say I've lost 1.5kg. Did an 8min abb workout before work that I found on youtube which was really good. Everything else same as day 1 but today I have a funny pinching feeling in what feels like my heart I can't say its painful just strange and I checked my pulse which seems regular. Did plan to go for a walk but a little concerned so decided not to.

To be continued...


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