time for a change........day 7 weigh in

  • Author Ani
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi Everyone

well its 1 week down and so far so good. ive had a loss of 2.75kg!!!!!. :laughing::):laughing:This has consisted of good but small food intake ie b/fast.lunch and dinner and cardio. At first i thought not much was happening as day 2 i had no side effects n stages thru the day i felt hungry.for myself i believed if i pushed through the hunger i could do this. im not bursting out of bed but im not tired either. remember its my mind im trying to change positively and the rest will follow. As i shift work so my blogs may only be weekly ( & from my mobile pardon the non spell check lol) but im keen to share stories and wish everyone success...... Ani:laughing:


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