Tiredness and exhaustion

  • Author jaslyn
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I'm extremely tired, I am wondering if it is the Duromine causing this because it is not as bad on the days I skip them? I had 2 restless nights to start with, but ever since I'm sleeping 10 hours a night and would sleep more if I could. It's 10am and I feel like going back to bed. I'm also getting exhausted doing easy things like cleaning or shopping, and the hot weather has knocked me around more than ever before.

I don't know if I've lost weight, I don't own scales and all my clothes are baggy so it's hard to tell if they're fitting differently. I don't look at my body - even before I gained weight I trained myself not to look at myself because all my surgery scars gross me out so much. Weird I know. But I am pretty sure I look the same, but hey it's only been a week and a half!

I've made an appt with my GP for Thursday to get weighed and get a script for the 30mg. Currently I'm taking 2 15mg a day but I want to keep the 15mg so I can taper down if I get withdrawal. Also it's too expensive to do it this way.

I had my Zoladex implant about 3 weeks ago, so any weight loss I've had might be counterbalanced by that. I have a love hate relationship with Zoladex. I first had it from 2009 - 2011 for breast cancer and I put on 10kg in 2 months, but I'm still alive and healthy and it obviously had a huge role to play in that.
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Hi Jaslyn,
Hey, you are so hard on yourself ,girl.. breath, you need to stand back from yourself, give your self a hug, a pat on the back, and say " I LOVE YOU Jaslyn, you have come so far ".. your body has been through a tuff time girl ,and adding stress to your mind and emotions right now is not going to help you with sleep or with your weightloss.. Firstly, go get yourself Some bio oil for those scars, and look at those scars, they tell a story, "YOUR STORY ," NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THEM , Secondly the heat is crazy, and messes with us big time, I am o n D30mg, and tired as ! and I have always struggled to sleep ,now I want to sleep ALL DAY ,so the weather does play a huge role, it could also be the Zoladex and the D NOW IN YOUR SYSTEM, an your new way of eating or not eating ? SINCE on D? .. as you did not mention anything about your appetite, or exercise ....Thirdly see what your GP say, let her know everything you have told us here, tiredness can also be from not eating enough in the day and eating the right foods that give you energy , your body needs energy, especially now,your area surviver ,and you must hold your head up high as you are an inspiration to us all here ... Keep going keep fighting, YOU CAN OVERCOME THIS TOO .. IT WILL TAKE TIME , so be patient, and your body is going to fight you at his stage, as it gets used to D AND your way of eating etc, but I am sure your doc will explain it all to you soon enough ... please keep us posted on your progress, try the bio oil it works very well, it lightens your scars, with in a couple of months ,a bit pricey but worth it..Thinking of you , GO .. GO .. GOAL ..
Thanks so much for your kind words and motivation :)

I totally forgot about the bio-oil. It's miracle stuff. I used it for a while and it lightened up the scars heaps, but the ones I have problems with is where I had an infection - I got golden staph, which happens to a lot of people in hospital. Urgh it was nasty - everything healed up ok except for there. I really need to have scar revision, but that is another surgery. Maybe when I lose weight I'll do it, as it is something that bugs me. But till then I'll give the bio-oil a try again as the others could do with some improvement too.

I think you're right about the not eating causing tiredness - because I'm tired I've been drinking too much coffee - too much coffee which fills me up = not enough real food... which makes me tired, so I drink too much coffee.... viscous cycle. Duromine can be super effective, it is easy to forget to eat, especially with a toddler keeping me run off my feet.

I saw my GP today, she is lovely and very supportive and she's booked me in again for 3 weeks so she can monitor me closely because she hasn't had many patients on Duromine and she's heard all the horror stories! So far in 2 weeks I've lost 7kg, but she's explained this will plateau and a lot of it is fluid loss now I'm off prednisolone - that stuff blows you up like a water balloon :)

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