
  • Author My Journey :)
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi Everyone,
I have finished the end of week one and here are my stats

SW (21/08) 83.3kg
CW (28/08) 81.9kg
loss: 1.4kg

I must admit i am pretty dissapointed that I have only lost 1.4 however I guess in 1 week a loss of that much is good.
I have not really felt any side affects of the tablets except the dry mouth which keeps me drinking water. I sleep like a log, have not had any heart palpitations and i my GP checked my blood pressure yesterday - it was slightly higher than normal but she said it was still in the healthy range. I am on the 15mg and i dont want to go up to the higher dose as i am happy not having many side affects, however i do wonder if the weight loss would be faster on the higher dose.
I have been relativly good with the food with the exception of the weekend when i went to the races and had a few drinks/bad food otherwise i have been keeping it under 1000cal per day.
I was talking to my trainer who also tested my measurments and found that i have lost 5% body fat. He said because i am doing so much boxing and weights classes, that its obivious that i have gained muscles and lost fat. so either way, i guess i cant complain.

Thats it from me, till next week :)
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Blog entry information

My Journey :)
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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