
  • Author Kyles
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So tomorrow when I visit Dr, I am not expecting huge results, I feel better and the dry mouth has gone, get the odd little headache but water fixes it.
I not expecting great results because like I said , I have been away and eating out, once my normal work/ life routine gets back to normal I am or will be so much more focused.
I have signed up with a pt for 3 sessions a week, starting later this week, and will do my cardio myself aim for 30-40 mins a day.
Anyway I have said enough, good luck to everybody, don't let the side effects get you down , they will go, I wanted to quit after 2 nights coz I love my sleep, but I didn't, even tho I didn't sleep it did not effect my days..weird but true.
I believe I am going to get my goal, for once I feel so positive, and motivated and a lot of that motivation comes from the lovely women on here, encouraging me and I need that. So thank you
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