Week 1 day four

  • Author Acidface
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I had such a great experience I just had to share. I went to the shops to buy stuff for my birthday dinner. So the good news is I resisted EVERY temptation. I felt so good I decided to walk through every row. Even the chips one, my DOOM. And I did it all by myself and alone. I didn't get ANYTHING I should not have. Go Me! Go Me! Even started to read the labels of food to see which is a healthier option. Got Olive oil instead of normal sunflower oil. So much more expensive I will NEVER use it to deep fry or pan fry. Only as my daily oil in raw form. As well got Omega 3 and 6 tablets. Think I am pretty awesome right now. :laughing:


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