Week 3 I am gaining instead of loosing weight - HELP!!!!

  • Author tanyaae
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
i am feeling a little demotivated - i need hugs please...

Here goes my story - i lost 3 kgs in the first week... fast forward day 14 i weighed in i had lost an extra 2 kilos yeeey for me... And boom yesterday i weighed myself which was day 20, i have gained 2.5 kilos since my last weigh in....

I am freaking out... could it be because i am menstruating? i am eating well - a bit of exercise too, i drink lots of water no fizz drinks...

why why why.....


Yes, Tanyaae, I'm 99% sure it is from menstruation. We gain water and hence extra weight these days, you know that, but we also tend to overeat during these days, so... try using 'my fitness pal" and count calories, it helps a lot and calms you down.
Hugs for you! Because you did a great job already by losing 5 kg so you can move forward, don't worry yet.
Hugs :):):)
Don't feel demotivated every weight loss program comes with a weight gain that is the reason why many people give up on loosing weight because there will come a time where you eat well nd exercise hard but no weight loss so finish what you started regardless of what the scale say
thank you all for the support - reading your comments and other posts am determined again #fatmustfall #sucessstories #weightlossinprogress i can do this!!!

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