Week 3: Wait, What?

  • Author SevenOfNine
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Figured I should post as a blog entry rather than create a new thread each week, probably should've done that from the beginning!

Well, the trend of "interesting" weeks since starting Duromine hasn't stopped, haha! This past week I had some mental health issues that we weren't sure were being exacerbated by D, so I had to cease taking it to see if it helped. I'm fine now, and back on track with the D.

Six days off D helped refresh my mind, and my partner and I are figuring out how to de-stress my life more. I ate a little more than when I was on D, but still kept well below maintenance for my goal weight. It wasn't too hard with a few tweaks to my usual diet!

I had an exercise setback for the week as well, because I was silly, and pulled a muscle while doing squats on Monday, putting me in bed for the next two days (it was pretty bad, going to the bathroom was a mission in itself with that much pain, eek). It was a challenge not to self-talk negatively during the time I couldn't move much, but I figured there's no sense in pushing through the pain and injuring myself further.

By Thursday, I was freaking out over not being able to exercise, and decided that some slow movement is better than none at all, and dragged my partner to the Melbourne Aquarium for a very slow walk around looking at the pretty creatures. I had to have regular stops to sit down and rest my leg, but we spent a good four hours walking around with only short rests, so that was good.

I hopped on the scales Friday morning to see if my "non-D" diet was effective, and was horrified to see a 700g rise in the number! I had a cry to my partner about it, because there's absolutely no way I could've had a calorie surplus, having calculated for 300 calories below goal weight maintenance, and he said he had a feeling I was seeing a gain because I hadn't been drinking enough water, not because I was eating too many calories, and that it was simply water retention.

So I increased my water intake, making sure that I drank at least 3 litres on Friday and Saturday, and sure enough, when I stepped on the scales this morning, there was a 1.4kg total loss since last week! I think that's pretty good for a week where I only had Duromine yesterday (Saturday)!

Here's the numbers from the past week:

Starting Weight (18 January 2015): 103.8kg
Last Week's Weight (1 February 2015): 97.6kg
Current Weight (8 February 2015): 96.2kg
Total Weight Lost: 7.6kg
Weight Lost This Week: 1.4kg

I'm super happy with this result!

I have to see my doctor again this week to weigh in and hopefully get my next prescription, and I'm hoping that I can change my anti-depressant to an anti-anxiety medication. I know this part isn't strictly weight loss related, but it certainly makes an impact on it. I've been thinking long and hard about the things that affect my mental health this week, and the conclusion I've come to is this: I can handle my depression, I've been dealing with it for over 13 years, most of that time without medication. At this point in my life, the anxiety is harder to deal with, and is the area that I need the most help with medically. In addition to those facts, the way my current medication affects leptin levels in my body, making weight loss/management far more difficult than it should be, is making me more depressed than I would be without it. It's hard enough to lose weight without one's capacity to lose weight being influenced by a non-essential medication.

So please, wish me luck in getting my medication changed!

In closing, here are the lessons I learned this week:
1. Never neglect water consumption!
2. A little introspection goes a long way!

That's all from me this week, wishing everyone a good, stress-free weekend!
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