Week 3 weigh in

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 3 weigh in..
After a weekend of eating out and paying for it on the scales for the whole week my results are in.

Start weight 106kgs
Week one 104.9kgs
Week two 103.8kgs
Week three 103.4kgs o_O

Total loss in 3 weeks 2.6kgs
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Well done , you got to eat out and lose weight too :)
Just think if you didn't have the Duromine that number could be well up especially if your like me and I'd eat the rest of the week too before LOL.
Keep up the good work xx
It's certainly made me more conscious of the rest of the week after a bad weekend.. Usually I would continue to dwell on it and eat bad for the following few days..

A loss is a loss!
Yeay.. well done Mumo3girls!! Sooo good to have a loss!!
Any loss is a good loss. And you know where you went wrong so you have something to work with.
I lost 0.3 this week after my big blow out last weekend. But a loss is a loss. I just need to learn from my mistakes and we will have a big loss soon :) as long as it goes down we are on the right track though. Hope you have a strong weekend
I've had a few realisations this week..
For months (actually years) I've been trying to learn to run (at 100odd kgs it's hard, near impossible) and the longest I've managed is about 4mins at a time (intervals) and I'm nowhere near that at the moment..
But.. Before duro, after I'd been for an interval run or a gym workout, I felt so hungry-starving I would eat whatever j could get my hands on.. And that could last hours..
That urge isn't there anymore.
When I'm hungry now, I can deal with it, I can still think.. Whereas before duro I couldn't..
I'm in a better place that's for sure.. And that is why and how duro is working for me.. It isn't making me feel full, or giving my hypo energy.. It's just helping my brain to work how it's supposed to..
I know exactly what you mean by that mumo3girls, it's awesome.
But good job, you're doing well to train your body then :) yes any loss is a loss so keep up the good work

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