Week 3 - Weigh in

  • Author Big Girl SA
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start weight when my weight loss journey began in June 2014: 114.7kg
Now: 96.0kg
Goal: 60kg
Lost so far: 18.7kg

Week 1 weigh in: 98.6kg (lost 3kg)
Week 2 weigh in: 96.7kg (lost 1.9kg)
Week 3 weigh in: 96.0kg (lost 0.7kg)

Feeling a bit disappointed with this weeks weigh in, but I know that it is totally normal to have a huge loss one week, and a smaller one the next week. Hey, a loss is a loss right? I'll take it anyway it comes, no matter how small ;)

Inspiration for the week: There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you only do it when its convenient. When you are committed to something, you accept NO EXCUSES, only RESULTS!
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Hi I like your inspiration for the week :) this is a journey we are all on together we share our good weeks & our not so good weeks. It's great to write your blog & share your experiences. I also started 29 June 14 & as of last week had lost 18.8 kgs :) I'm not sure what this weeks weigh in will be as I have had meals out & work training with lunches... Basically I stayed on track however that doesn't mean anything lol .... Anyway good luck for next week stay motivated ;)

Blog entry information

Big Girl SA
Read time
1 min read
Last update

More entries in Week 3

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