Week 3

  • Author LittleLaurz
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So weigh in day is here!!

overall this week Has been pretty average.. but that purely falls back on me, i had a lack of motivation to exercise and healthy food choices.. My job consists of travelling all over the state, which means being away from home and routine for weeks on end and way to many dinners out with clients (it makes it hard to say no, in my line of work my client relationships are the most important thing, so i can't really not take them out to dinners) but ill be home in a few days so looking forward to that..., but dont get i wrong ive lost weight again this week but i was hoping for a bit more ...
So i have decided this week not to post my weight lost but instead i am putting up my measurements (it helps me keep in a positive mind frame, that i am actually still loosing the weight ;) )

So i took my measurement of myself on the first day i started Duromine and believe me... it can tell me so much more then the "scale monster"...
Day 1 measurements
Neck 40cm
R arm 45cm
L arm 43cm
Bust 123cm
Waist 106cm
Hips 126cm
R leg 73cm
L leg 75cm

Week 3 measurements
Neck 39cm (-1cm)
R arm 40cm (-5cm)
L arm 39cm (-4cm)
Bust 114cm (- 9cm)
Waist 93cm (-13cm)
Hips 120cm (-6cm)
R leg 68cm (-5cm)
L leg 69cm (-6cm)

all in all.. I still very impressed by the progress I've made so far!!
My next goal i set isn't weight orientated it.
At the moment I'm a SNUG size 18 in my jeans but my goal is to become a loose 16!! For me, it's such a urge to want to jump on the scales every morning to see by some "miracle " I've lost 1kg over night... And then i look down and see the reality, its a bit of a kick in the confidence guts.. So i've decided to only check my weight every second week, i dont want to become someone OBSESSED about the number (of corse I AM going to loose it) but for me doing it this way will keep me in a happy mind set, a-posed to feeling down because the weight isnt reflecting what i have worked out in my Head... (I'm sure im not the only one out there who does the sums the there head, eg. "Ok so i lost 2.5kg this week now X that by 4weeks = 10kg in a month!!... Whoa that means it will only take 3 months to loose 30kg!!" Haha clearly i need do Stop doing this its unrealistic and unsafe!!

sorry everyone for the bit of a rant in this blog.. (Kinda the mood I've been in all week)

Anyway hope everyone is doing great ;)

Catchya next week


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