Week Three - Why oh why do I do this to myself!!

  • Author Hustlin Mama
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
S.W 85.0kg
C.W 82.0kg
G.W 65.0kg

Week 1 83.3kg (-1.7kg)
Week 2 81.2kg (-2.1kg)
Week 3 82.0kg (+0.8kg)

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate....will be the death of me! So I didn't weigh in with my Dr this week and I gained 800gm! I haven't had a fast day yet this week so will make it Thursday and Sunday.
I may need to look at 4:3 fasting days to get this weight moving. I don't think my dr is going to be happy if I am still in the 80's at my weigh in next week :/


I'm hearing you with the chocolate issue I am about to hide all mine ! Can I ask what are you doing on your fasting days? Extra motivation this week then, no one likes getting scowled by theirDr.
Hey there

So according to the 5:2 fast diet its 5 days of normal (still controlled) eating and 2 days of 500 cals.

You can divide the 500 cals up into 2 or 3 meals but I leave them all for my dinner (just because I want the health benefits of fasting, not just the weightloss)

I normally have dinner on my fast days protein (chicken or beef) and lots of low carb veges (brocoli, mushrooms, etc) and if I find I'm struggling through the day I have either a miso soup or small youghurt. Hope that helps ☺
Thanks, that does help I have heard of it before but never looked into it! I ? I think I will research the health benefits

Blog entry information

Hustlin Mama
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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