Weigh in Week 3

  • Author Karen D
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So it’s been another week and it’s been a good one for me……

I’m feeling great at the moment to be honest, I use to have a very short temper but since Duromine it’s like I’m more relaxed and willing to look at thing in a better way. I don’t have a lot of side effects either… still have a slight dry mouth, and yes I do get headaches once in a while but that’s my fault--- still not drinking enough water, any ideas on that I can do help this…

I have been eating quite well for me…. Mornings I still have my shake and I have added and boiled egg…. Snack I have yogurt and lunch I have another Shake and snack I have a fruit or a handful of nuts.
Dinner we have homemade chicken wraps, chicken salad, steak wraps, I even make homemade Chinese food (healthy style) homemade Protein Pizzas as well everything is high in protein and low in carbs… At the moment I on between 800calories and 1000calories per day -I’ll be upping my calorie I take every second week till I get to between 1200 3n 1300 calories per day for when I go into maintenance.

So yes I keep on the straight and narrow in the week, but on weekends I have made peace with having my Red Wine (about a bottle over the weekend) and eating with my guests or at friends places but eating smaller portion, and when we go dine Ill swap my fries with a salad have my meat grilled not fried. So yes I don’t stick to my strict week routine but I try and eat moderate over weekends. ( I also don’t have the Duromine on Saturdays nor Sundays so my body can take a rest and I’m slowly teaching myself how to eat without having Duromine all the time especially on weekends.- and of course another reason is I have Wine and I don’t want it to clash….:oops:

All in All I’m happy with my progress and how I’m feeling at the moments ,yes I don’t lose like over 5kgs a week but losing the bits every week is better for me… it will be easier to maintain in the end. So here are my stats:

Starting Weight: 78kg
Goal: 60kg
Week 1: 74.7Kg –Loss in week 1: 3.3kg
Week2: 73.7kg –Loss in week 2: 1kg
Week3: 72.4kg –Loss in week 3: 1.3kg
Total Loss: 5.6kg
Time to reach goal: 57 days

So it If keep losing at least 1kg -1.5kg per week I’m on track to my goal weight.

Hope everyone else is doing great.:p
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Karen D
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2 min read
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