Weight Loss Adventure

  • Author LilyK
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
After reading quite a few of your blogs, I decided I should start my own.

A bit about me, my history and struggle: I'm a career girl in an office 10 hours a day. I have always been more an academic than a physical person, but the last ten years of being in an office has really seen my weight fluctuate living a sedentary lifestyle with bad food and alcohol choices that come with networking and business development (and a lack of willpower too on my part). I quit soccer and swimming, and I sold my bike when I moved to a smaller apartment that couldn't fit it in. I also lost a baby at 16 weeks a year ago, and the pregnancy weight and subsequent depression saw me put on 12kgs that never budged. My lowest point occurred a few weeks ago after coming back from holiday with my partner in January, when I hopped on the scales at his mum's house (we don't own scales at home) and had quite a shock to see that after just one week on holiday my weight shot up by 5kgs. You guessed it, this hasn't budged either.

My previous method and body issues: I've exercised daily (walking between 30mins to an hour a day), cut out gluten and basically felt like I starved myself, to lose absolutely nothing after 3 weeks of consistent trying. I was told that being pregnant changed your hormone levels and that my weight might be difficult to budge much with the higher estrogen in my system, and to add to this problem, the more fat you have, the more estrogen your body creates, leading to weight retention and gain. Basically, my body was a mess and I decided to speak with my GP about some alternative options.

My Duromine beginning: My GP suggested I try Duromine, and here I am on Day 3. I originally looked up this site today to read the results of others as I'm a skeptic on a good day (our contractors love to lie about what they've done and haven't done), but it would be fair to say that's also the result of being beaten a few times and not gotten results that I felt I deserved. Hopefully I can change my mindset once the weight starts to come off while I'm on this drug, so I can regain my confidence and find a method that works for me and allows me long term resolution. That's why I have set what I believe to be a realistic goal of 5kgs for the month of Duromine I have been prescribed. I don't want to live a short life, and getting my health in order is the first step in prolonging it.

My stats:
Starting weight: 105kgs
Height: 179cm
BMI: 32
First month on Duromine goal: 100kg
Overall goal weight: 75kgs
Goal BMI: 23

I realise there are those of you out there who don't put a lot of sway by BMI numbers; however for a girl with hardly any strength or muscle behind her, I feel these numbers are accurate indications for me as to the poor state of my health.

I will be checking back on this blog perhaps every few days and will post some photos as well if there are positive results to be shared with you all.
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Hi Lily! Welcome! From the bottom of my heart I wish you to get the results you wish. I see, you are quite down even before you started. This attitude should change, otherwise your already disturbed hormones profile might be getting you into depression (along with yourself).

Let’s do it the following way:

1. You start your day with a smile, because you’re on your way for life changes to better.

2. Once again you give yourself a smile when you look into the mirror. Your face will start changing as you will be losing weight, so you should greet it with a smile.

3. You get into exercising. Anything, at least a plank. It’s fast and very efficient. It might take a couple of days/weeks for you to do it during the required time.

4. Don’t weigh in until you get till the end of the first week on Duromine. For now, just try changing your habits, and let’s see how it goes.

5. Would also be very well if you found time to visit your doctor and check your present endocrine profile.

6. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water during the day.

Very best of luck to you!!!
Hi Lily,

I loved reading your blog and I'm sorry to read of your miscarriage at 16 weeks that must have been very hard, I also miscarried early last year I was 9 weeks so my heart goes out to you.

I never knew about how the hormones can make it hard to loose weight anyway... I wanted to wish you all the best... you will do this :) I also set myself a goal of 5kg a month or 10 over 2 months (inside I am hoping for more but I've also prepared myself for less because reality is any loss is a win no matter how small, it all adds up, besides I wont be let down if I loose less o_O so far I may just loose 5kg this month.... but next is a whole new month).

Good luck and I look forward to reading about your progress :laughing:

Hello Lily. Wondering how you are doing. Wish you would drop in from time to time. Is your weight loss progress going well? Are you trying to get to the healthy side of nutrition and physical activity? Hope on hearing from you soon and wish you a great day!!!!
Lily, if you went through the entire Duromine course already, I would really appreciate you sharing your experience. Hope, you reached your goals. A great day to you!

Blog entry information

Read time
3 min read
Last update

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