Who I am and who I want to be

  • Author MissPolly
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day 4 of Duromine.

Our scales are so super dodgy. Once I stood on them and got 34.6kg. Yep.

I would get new ones but buying Duromine and formula have taken the last few cents we had. And honestly it helps a little to not know if it's accurate or not...It stops me from obsessively marking down my weight every day. Hopefully when I go back to my doctors in a month I get a pleasant surprise.

So far I have noticed mild insomnia triggered by my lovely smiley wide awake 7 month old at 3am. It was so nice that he got back to sleep quickly though. I didn't get back to sleep quickly. In fact I didn't get back to sleep at all.

I'm not drinking enough water. I know I'm not but I can't seem to change it. I used to have a water app - that's a sign of where our technologically driven world is, isn't it? I think I need to download it again. It just reminded me to drink water and tracked whether or not I'd had enough to drink. I know right now it would be saying "Drink more water you're dryer than the Sahara" or something more witty...It wouldn't be the first time I was outwitted by an app.

I've also got to remember to eat. I'll look at the clock and it will be 3pm and I'll realise I've not eaten since 7am. That's not healthy. I don't just want a quick fix I want a lifestyle change. That isn't going to happen if I don't put in the work and eat well. I will make more of an effort to eat when I feed the kids. A healthy mummy is something my boys deserve.

I need to do this for them, so they have their mum around for a long time. So I can teach them how to be healthy and lead by example.

I need to do this for the future darling baby I know we are made to love. So I have an easier pregnancy than the horribly difficult ones I've had in the past.

I need to do this for my husband. So he has a wife he can be proud of (though he says he already has that). So I can be the wife he deserves and that I want to be.

I really, really need to do this for myself.

Because I am worthy of feeling good about myself. Because I don't want to live a life of missed opportunities because of my weight or lack of confidence. Because I want to healthy and happy.

In school I was best friends with 'the hot one' which made me slot myself into-and be labelled as-'the funny one'.

Screw that.

I am more than that. I want to be the healthy one, the happy one, the one who is a great mum, the one who is a loving wife, the one who is passionate, confident, independent.

I can be all that.

And hell, I might as well aim to be the hot one too!
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