Wow what a difference 1 week back from holidays can make my biggest lost to date weigh in week 12

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Ok I was disappointed in my self for putting on 4.8kg while cruising the South Pacific :eek:.. Well I was back on Duromine 15 mg 5/10/14 Sunday, walked 4 times this week was all I could manage, stuck to my 1000 calories had a sore throat and head cold :(..worked, drank copious amounts of water & green tea.
today's weigh in I lost a whopping 4.3kg omg I'm so happy this is my biggest Loss to date in one week ....definitely doing the happy dance wiggle wiggle or should I say jiggle jiggle lol :):):) Maybe in a few months my body will wiggle not jiggle lol :p
Started weight 110.3 kg
Last weeks return from holiday start weight 99.7kg
Current weight 95.4kg
Weight loss to date 14.9 kg
Goal weight 70kg
Next mini goal to be under 95kg then under 90kg I haven't been under 90kg in 5 years wish me luck .. I'm going to stay strong be happy and continue to improve my health wishing everyone a lighter scales this week :):cool:
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You must be sooooo thrilled.
I knew you could do it.
That is so fantastic Shell. You are doing so great. Keep it up.

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