Can Your Body Become Immune To Duromine?



I am 20 and my entire life I have been overweight. The last 4 years however, I have gone from a weight in the early 70's to now, a weight approaching th 90's. For some unknown reason in August to September 2010 I gained an unbelievable 7 kilos. Now from September to January I put on an extra kilo so I am sitting at 88kg (171cm tall). I did have numerous blood tests to see if it was hormones to blame for the rapid weight gain but it was nothing.

I have wanted to try Duromine for a couple years because my mother has tried it before (to loose weight from carrying children). She has always said it works but the side effects are not worth it. On top of that reading majority of the forums available most say they have had horrible experiences. As a result I keep putting the idea off. Now that I am at my heaviest I have decided enough is enough! I will become fit, healthy and thin! the time to start is now and it will change my health for the rest of my life!

I finally went to my GP 3 days ago to try 30mg Duromine to control this hunger I have through out the day that is the main cause of my heavy weight.

I wish I NEVER read the negative forums because my experience in terms of side effects is FANTASTIC!

I am experiencing any of of the side affects besides the simple and easy to cope with- dry mouth. I don't feel sick, I am not completely appetite free, I don't feel like im on speed (or any other kind of similar drug), I can sleep at night and so far I have no complaints!!! But keeping in mind it maybe due my individual high tolerance. It has also is helping in diminishing my bad habits of late night snacks, high sugar or high fat foods, bing eating and regular over snacking. I have no cravings at the moment and I am loving it!

People that fail on this medication are those that eat next to nothing on the tablets. It is meant to be taken responsibly and thats exactly what i am doing! I have set my self times to have healthy balanced meals. I have cut out a lot of carbs (for now) because I carry most of my weight on my belly. I also have set 3 days to do exercise (not much but something i can stick to)! Also for this rapid weight loss, muscle training is VERY important due to the fact that I most definitely do not want to loose my muscle because fat burns slower when the muscle is gone! I incorporate weights into the 3 days i do exercise.

this is my weight loss plan
a realistic life change that will last me for ever

Hopefully my opinions don't change over the month because I am finding Duromine absolutely fantastic...

Okay so I'm on Day 10 and no side effects whatsoever! I'm on 15mg. Start weight - 100kg

No extra boost of energy (would have been nice....even just a little bit), no dry mouth/ not thirsty (no difference from the norm). I feel no different AT ALL! Oh and after day 2 I decided to take 2 pills (the doc did say it would be okay to do this) difference!

I did however lose 4kg in the first 5 days BUT nothing in the 2nd and my exercise and eating have been infinitely different from the first 5. I'm confused.

I'm up to 3half weeks and 6.5kgs down. Deff have side affects (30g) dry mouth , some days really bad. Constipation :( and Sonera days empty felling in my stomach. But I'm sleeping so well , I have my pill at 5.30am and have burst of energy. Go to the gym most days and walk 6 ks . Good luck and don't give up
Thank you :)

I'm pretty sure it must be working but feels weird without the symptoms - which I guess I shouldn't really complain but the extra energy would have been nice but I guess once I lose some good numbers I'll start to feel energized naturally :)
Hi. I'm on day 2 of 40mg and am not experiencing any side effects. No feeling of energy , no loss of appetite, slept like normal last night.

Has this happened to anyone else. I'm watching what I eat but could eat as normal and still crave food.

Hmmm any answers please.
Hey, I'm on day 5 of the 40mg and I'm the same as you. I don't feel energetic and certainly no loss of appetite to speak of. I had a container of pineapple for breakfast and by 11:30 today I starving so made an omelette. The only thing I have noticed is I feel full quicker than I normally would. I haven't been able to finish my plates of food so I hope that is from the D. I did still want 2 chocolate cakes tonight so I'll have to wait and see I guess. My husband says it's only early days but I see lots of people who lose a few kilos in the first week but I don't feel like that is happening to me. I will weigh on Monday so see if I lost anything in the first 7 days.
Hi, letsdropthekgs
It's only day two so you should not worry. It is true that Duromine acts differently for different people. Give it a go, a week or so can make things clear.
Ba-an, the same for you - don't give up too soon, because lots of us had the same effect. I always say: don't look at someone elses results, because you are different. Have a little patience and your desired loss will come. Good luck, ladies! ;)
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Thanks Kate. I won't give up, it's so busy with school holidays and my niece comes up every holiday so I haven't had the chance yet to get back into my regular routine but will do that as soon as things settle down like the kids back in school. I will be more interested to see how I am going after week 2 but still interested in how much I will weigh on Monday. My husband said the same as you that everyone is different and since I don't have a massive amount of weight to lose it will probs be harder for me. Wasn't that hard to put it on
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Kate said:
Hi, letsdropthekgs
It's only day two so you should not worry. It is true that Duromine acts differently for different people. Give it a go, a week or so can make things clear.
Ba-an, the same for you - don't give up too soon, because lots of us had the same effect. I always say: don't look at someone elses results, because you are different. Have a little patience and your desired loss will come. Good luck, ladies! ;)
Thanks for the encouragement !! Still don't feel anything and still have appetite ... Will see what happens on wed when I've been on it for a week.
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How are you going??? I'm still the same... Not really noticing a change with how I feel and still get hungry just eating healthier
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Hi all,
Even I also felt the same as you all. I was really hungry and was craving for food !!!
My first 3 days were good and didn't felt any hunger but today was my day 4. Really feeling upset a bit :(
Yep I'm still the same as well. If I don't eat I get pretty hungry. I guess that's good in a way because it's not like I can 'forget' to eat. I'm going to go and weigh my self now and see if there is any difference since I have been on them a week, I haven't one much exercise though compared to what I normally do. I'll be right back...67.9 the scales say. I can't remember exactly what the scales said last Monday. I think it was 69.9 so I guess that's okay. I can't really tell to be honest so I will be more interested in next Mondays weigh in since I will be back into my normal schedule and kids will be back at school so I can actually do some exercise.
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Hi there, I've been on Duromine before ( a long time ago, but still...) and , no question, I could 'feel' it working. My whole body kicked up a gear. My heart rate was (a little) faster, metabolism went full speed energy was through the roof, sleep was reduced quite a bit, hunger was non existent, appetite reduced. But this time.... Years later and i'm back on it for a kick start and nothing. Day one was a little dry mouth and slightly less hunger. But 6 days in and I have literally NO effects. I'm using pure will power to reduce my meal size (which I am doing) - no rush at all, no extra energy. Metabolism seems normal. I'm working out every day, but no boost to my energy in that department at all. And by night, I'm exhausted and crashing early. I;m on 30mg like last time, only difference is iNova brand, not 3M. I'm not able to measure myself/weigh in as i'm away for work, but i'm not noticing any difference really. Is this what you're experiencing? Anyone know why this might be the case?
Yes I'm still not feeling any different good wise and am sleeping no prob at all. :(
I'm on day 4 of 40mg of duromine. And have slept 2 maybe 3 hrs since sunday. I haven't been hungry at all. I dont feel as though i have any extra energy. Today i felt really bloated
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Hi Everyone, I completed one week on Duromine 30mg.
The scale says that I have lost 2 kgs :)
Not bad ;) what you all says???
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mrsnidhi said:
Hi Everyone, I completed one week on Duromine 30mg.
The scale says that I have lost 2 kgs :)
Not bad ;) what you all says???
Not bad? It's fantastic if you ask me :):):)
But don't get too excited yet, since it might be all water and the next couple of weeks your weight loss can be reduced. That's almost a usual thing. Still, keep it up!
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Actually am not able to exercise properly. Is it really matters a lot or if am eating clean and have a very active life with kids will be ok??
Just any kind of physical activity is good. Nobody says go to gym. Lots of overweight people "are actually not able to exercise properly". Not a big deal. It is that high physical load helps increase the weight loss, because your body loses a great amount of calories this way, while when you are not moving enough - > your body does not waste energy/calories hence the fat. That's all.
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letsdropthekgs said:
Hi. I'm on day 2 of 40mg and am not experiencing any side effects. No feeling of energy , no loss of appetite, slept like normal last night.

Hi there, just checking in and seeing how you're feeling now. Have you had any success with weight loss? My experience sounds like it's been the exact same as yours (except i'm on 30mg). Fingers crossed!

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