Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

Do You abuse DUROMINE?

  • No,i do as doctor told me

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • Yes , i take more then prescribed

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0924 said:
You are right. I have stop for 5 days now and have gained 1 kilo already. I'm honking of giving it a break for a week. It's making me sick already and very tired, I got a bit worried specially when I have to drive with my kids in the car. I feel a lot better but not very happy about putting 1 kilo already. My first week was great tho.
What about trying to take it every second day? And just try your best to eat well every day..
Duromine is so strange.
Last year I took it for 12 days and seriously though I was going to die. I felt horrible. But this time around I feel great. Tired at times but that's only because I've under eaten so much and worked out a lot. And I'm upping my calories now.
Maybe take a break and work on your health and diet and then go back to it in a month or two.
This time round the only affect I get it small increase of energy, decreased appetite (most days) and tiny bit of a dry mouth.
Cmvx said:
Duromine is so strange.
Last year I took it for 12 days and seriously though I was going to die. I felt horrible. But this time around I feel great. Tired at times but that's only because I've under eaten so much and worked out a lot. And I'm upping my calories now.
Maybe take a break and work on your health and diet and then go back to it in a month or two.
This time round the only affect I get it small increase of energy, decreased appetite (most days) and tiny bit of a dry mouth.
Hello I was thinking of giving a week off, I feel so much better now though but I back to my eating habits, not good I have to keep going but at the same time in so worried getting sick again.
Mumo3girls said:
What about trying to take it every second day? And just try your best to eat well every day..
Thank you I should try that when I start again I reckon it will work heaps better for me!
Hi everyone!

My name is Bree and today is my first day starting Phentermine. I just thought I would introduce myself. I am a mum to a 2 year old girl, a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband and a part time registered nurse. I am hoping to use this forum as a support network, a place to put my progress down in writing and a place to have any questions answered.

Age: 25
Weight: 107kgs
Height: 166cm
Hips: 132.5cm
Waist: 115cm
Bust: 122cm

My GP has started me on 15mg daily. My chemist dispensed me the generic brand of phentermine which isn't called Duromine but another brand name starting with M (I hope this will have no change in the medications effectiveness).
So far today I have had no negative side effects, nor have I had a feeling of a sudden 'burst' of energy. I don't feel as fatigued today as I generally do but on top of starting phentermine today I have also drank my first Matcha Green Tea drink which is 100 times stronger than a regular green tea and states it increases your energy so am unsure whether the increased energy level has come from the medication or the tea.
I haven't felt hungry today but in saying that I have followed the meal plan that my GP has set out for me.

As soon as I woke up this morning I had 1 fresh date and took my tablet at 7.30am. I was planning on getting up earlier to take the tablet but my daughter is getting her molers and decided it would be a great idea to be awake for 3hrs in the middle of the night!!!! So I was tired this morning to say the least haha.
After this my GP wanted me to do 1km of 200m run and then 100m walk, this morning was raining relatively heavy where I live so I didn't go and am planning to go for a walk with my family tonight after my husband is home from work.
I got up and sorted out my daughter and then had breakfast at 8am which was 2 poached eggs with grainy toast and half an avocado.
At 10.30am I had my matcha green tea with 700ml of water and ice
12.30pm I had 2 cups of salad dressed with a capfull of apple cider vinegar and 100grams of lean eye fillet steak
I am now about to have some natural yoghurt (100g) and fresh fruit at 3.30pm

As I am typing this I can feel my mouth becoming dry so am hoping this is the effects of the tablet kicking in (this morning I was worried it wasn't working when I didn't feel any different).

I am really determined to lose all of my excess weight, I want to start feeling better about myself, have more energy to keep up with my VERY active 2 year old and enjoy outdoor activities with my family.
I want to be able to wear clothes that I actually like and not rotate between the same few outfits that fit me and lastly, I need to lose this weight so we can start trying for another baby, we have been unsuccessfully trying for the last 5 months and have decided to put our plans on hold so I can take care of myself first and get this weight under control.

If anyone has any tips or would like to share their story with me (positive or negative) I would be very much appreciative! Xx
Bree____ said:
Hi everyone!

My name is Bree and today is my first day starting Phentermine. I just thought I would introduce myself. I am a mum to a 2 year old girl, a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband and a part time registered nurse. I am hoping to use this forum as a support network, a place to put my progress down in writing and a place to have any questions answered.

Age: 25
Weight: 107kgs
Height: 166cm
Hips: 132.5cm
Waist: 115cm
Bust: 122cm

My GP has started me on 15mg daily. My chemist dispensed me the generic brand of phentermine which isn't called Duromine but another brand name starting with M (I hope this will have no change in the medications effectiveness).
So far today I have had no negative side effects, nor have I had a feeling of a sudden 'burst' of energy. I don't feel as fatigued today as I generally do but on top of starting phentermine today I have also drank my first Matcha Green Tea drink which is 100 times stronger than a regular green tea and states it increases your energy so am unsure whether the increased energy level has come from the medication or the tea.
I haven't felt hungry today but in saying that I have followed the meal plan that my GP has set out for me.

As soon as I woke up this morning I had 1 fresh date and took my tablet at 7.30am. I was planning on getting up earlier to take the tablet but my daughter is getting her molers and decided it would be a great idea to be awake for 3hrs in the middle of the night!!!! So I was tired this morning to say the least haha.
After this my GP wanted me to do 1km of 200m run and then 100m walk, this morning was raining relatively heavy where I live so I didn't go and am planning to go for a walk with my family tonight after my husband is home from work.
I got up and sorted out my daughter and then had breakfast at 8am which was 2 poached eggs with grainy toast and half an avocado.
At 10.30am I had my matcha green tea with 700ml of water and ice
12.30pm I had 2 cups of salad dressed with a capfull of apple cider vinegar and 100grams of lean eye fillet steak
I am now about to have some natural yoghurt (100g) and fresh fruit at 3.30pm

As I am typing this I can feel my mouth becoming dry so am hoping this is the effects of the tablet kicking in (this morning I was worried it wasn't working when I didn't feel any different).

I am really determined to lose all of my excess weight, I want to start feeling better about myself, have more energy to keep up with my VERY active 2 year old and enjoy outdoor activities with my family.
I want to be able to wear clothes that I actually like and not rotate between the same few outfits that fit me and lastly, I need to lose this weight so we can start trying for another baby, we have been unsuccessfully trying for the last 5 months and have decided to put our plans on hold so I can take care of myself first and get this weight under control.

If anyone has any tips or would like to share their story with me (positive or negative) I would be very much appreciative! Xx

Hello Bree and welcome to the forum! May your weight loss journey be a very successful and exciting one! It is so great that you have decided to change your life and become more active, to spend more time with your precious daughter and, in general, lead a dynamic and full life without letting the extra weight to take these away from you.

Having a supportive husband is another great thing. If he will do his best to help you on your way, it will be a double pleasure!

I see, you already have a plan, prescribed by your doctor, and this is fantastic! Of course, I can understand that it is not an option to run under pouring rain. However, you should make a decision on the exercises you will replace jogging with on days like this one. I usually suggest people starting and ending their day with plank exercises. These take about 3 min, if you make several plank options, and about 30 sec, if you make just the classis plank. Either way, it is already beneficial for your muscles and overall body tone. You can find plenty explanations on youtube on how you should do it correctly, as well as routines with several plank exercises in a row. Another thing I could suggest is Tabata. You can find 8-minute workouts that will make your muscles work like crazy. SO, Tabata session is a very good alternative to jogging, especially due to the fact that your muscles keep working long hours after you finish the workout.

So sorry for the sleepless night and your poor child. These teeth… hopefully, you will sleep all night long when they’re out. We all need our beauty sleep. =))

I would also suggest you to set mini-goals and reach them. I see it works pretty well for most people. Some enjoy awarding themselves after they reach a mini-goal with something useful or nice (not the food). =)

Coming to your question about 15 mg... I never used it, I started with 30 mg and continued with this strength throughout the entire 3-month course. However, years of my practice show that 15 mg is effective for many people. Some stick to it, others increase their dose. No one can tell you for sure, if it will work for you or you will need to up it. Time will show. Good luck to you and keep up a good pace in whatever you do!
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Thanks so much for your reply April! I actually ended up doing some planking yesterday while my daughter napped and then walked about 3km's last night before dinner which was great. Dinner last night was 2 cups of non starchy vegetables and 100g of lean steak stir fried with 1 teaspoon of soy and 1 teaspoon of sweet chilli sauce.
I will definitely look up Tabata, thanks so much for the suggestion!

I actually slept pretty well last night, went to bed at 11pm and was asleep by 11.30pm. Our daughter woke up in pain at 3am and came into our bed and we all went straight back to sleep which was nice until 7am when my husband started work.

A mini goal is a good idea. I will have a think about a goal that is challenging but achievable. I have a lot of weight to lose so a few mini goals until I get to my big goal should hopefully help keep me motivated. And I like the idea of a treat haha, a new outfit and a massage sounds right up my alley!

I am going back to see my GP next Wednesday just so he can check my blood pressure and heart rate and see how I'm feeling/going on the 15mg so I guess I will just have to wait until then to see how everything's progressing and we will make a decision from there :)


• DAY 2 •
I am working night shift tonight so have juggled my day a little bit differently to yesterday/what I plan to do on 'normal' days.
Woke at: 7am and ate 1 date
Breakfast: 8.30am, 1 piece of grainy toast and mayers peanut butter (100% peanuts), (my GP did suggest 2 pieces for breakfast but I thought if I have only 1 then I will be able to take 1 slice to work as night shift usually makes me hungry).
Duromine: Taken at 11am hoping it will help me to feel less tired on my night shift tonight.
Morning snack: Just been sipping on my iced green tea drink with 1L of water and ice today since 11am
Lunch: 1.30pm, 2 cups of salad, today I added a tablespoon of diced tinned beetroot and a thumb size piece of danish feta to make things a bit more exciting and had around 80g of chicken breast today instead of the steak.
Afternoon snack: 4.30pm, 100g of natural yoghurt and around 4 strawberries.
Dinner: I am unsure what I will have for dinner tonight, definitely chicken breast because I already have some in the fridge and then probably some roasted vegetables, maybe cauliflower, carrot and zucchini with Moroccan seasoning sprinkled over them and will aim to eat at 8pm.
Overnight at work I will take 1 piece of grainy bread and peanut butter for a slice of toast and a piece of fruit - probably a pear and a green tea and I'll try and space them out every 3 hours.

I am just about to do some planking and will go for another walk tonight before work and at work tonight should easily be able to clock up 10,000 steps.

I have had no side effects at all today. I don't feel as energised as I did yesterday. No mouth dryness so far but I have been voiding more than usual. Because my mouth hasn't been as dry today I definitely haven't drank as much water and am having to constantly remind myself to drink. But all in all I am feeling pretty good. A slight headache but that's probably my body starting to withdraw from sugar and it's manageable without and pain relief.
Bree____ said:
Thanks so much for your reply April! I actually ended up doing some planking yesterday while my daughter napped and then walked about 3km's last night before dinner which was great. Dinner last night was 2 cups of non starchy vegetables and 100g of lean steak stir fried with 1 teaspoon of soy and 1 teaspoon of sweet chilli sauce.
I will definitely look up Tabata, thanks so much for the suggestion!

I actually slept pretty well last night, went to bed at 11pm and was asleep by 11.30pm. Our daughter woke up in pain at 3am and came into our bed and we all went straight back to sleep which was nice until 7am when my husband started work.

A mini goal is a good idea. I will have a think about a goal that is challenging but achievable. I have a lot of weight to lose so a few mini goals until I get to my big goal should hopefully help keep me motivated. And I like the idea of a treat haha, a new outfit and a massage sounds right up my alley!

I am going back to see my GP next Wednesday just so he can check my blood pressure and heart rate and see how I'm feeling/going on the 15mg so I guess I will just have to wait until then to see how everything's progressing and we will make a decision from there :)


• DAY 2 •
I am working night shift tonight so have juggled my day a little bit differently to yesterday/what I plan to do on 'normal' days.
Woke at: 7am and ate 1 date
Breakfast: 8.30am, 1 piece of grainy toast and mayers peanut butter (100% peanuts), (my GP did suggest 2 pieces for breakfast but I thought if I have only 1 then I will be able to take 1 slice to work as night shift usually makes me hungry).
Duromine: Taken at 11am hoping it will help me to feel less tired on my night shift tonight.
Morning snack: Just been sipping on my iced green tea drink with 1L of water and ice today since 11am
Lunch: 1.30pm, 2 cups of salad, today I added a tablespoon of diced tinned beetroot and a thumb size piece of danish feta to make things a bit more exciting and had around 80g of chicken breast today instead of the steak.
Afternoon snack: 4.30pm, 100g of natural yoghurt and around 4 strawberries.
Dinner: I am unsure what I will have for dinner tonight, definitely chicken breast because I already have some in the fridge and then probably some roasted vegetables, maybe cauliflower, carrot and zucchini with Moroccan seasoning sprinkled over them and will aim to eat at 8pm.
Overnight at work I will take 1 piece of grainy bread and peanut butter for a slice of toast and a piece of fruit - probably a pear and a green tea and I'll try and space them out every 3 hours.

I am just about to do some planking and will go for another walk tonight before work and at work tonight should easily be able to clock up 10,000 steps.

I have had no side effects at all today. I don't feel as energised as I did yesterday. No mouth dryness so far but I have been voiding more than usual. Because my mouth hasn't been as dry today I definitely haven't drank as much water and am having to constantly remind myself to drink. But all in all I am feeling pretty good. A slight headache but that's probably my body starting to withdraw from sugar and it's manageable without and pain relief.

Hi Bree! Oh wow! Applause for the exercising! And I definitely like what you eat. Well done on both aspects! =)

Awww… sleeping together is always so sweet. I usually oversleep, if my youngest sneaks in to sleep with us. =))

I am glad my tips scored a hit. =))) And congrats with no side effects. Sounds like everything goes nice and smoothly now. Guess you should have a reminder for water. That helps until you get used to this hydration regime. I am sure you know that it’s a lot better if you drink in small portions during the entire day, rather than having 1 l of water at once. Headache… yes, you might be right about its cause. Yet again, it might be insufficient hydration that causes the headache. Insufficient food intake also may cause this, but I think you eat enough, so don’t forget to drink and have a great day (night?)!!! =0))
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Hi Bree,

I just wanted to wish you all the best on your weight loss journey... looks like your off to great start :laughing:

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Hello Bree! So how was your weekend? How do you feel today? Wish you a great week, lots of activity and tons of wonderful mood!
Hey April! We had a lovely weekend thankyou. I'm feeling good but am starting to feel hungry in the evenings despite sticking to my meal plan. I'm going back to my GP for my first check up tomorrow so I will bring that up with him and it will be interesting to see how much I've lost. When he originally weighed me on his scales I was 105kg but they are old scales and I've counted my starting weight at 107kg as that's what I am on my scales at home.
No side effects at all the last couple of days, not even a dry mouth so I haven't actually been drinking as much water as I was and as much as I would like to.
I brought some little health journals and have been writing all of my stuff in there, hence why I haven't been on this in a little while but thanks for checking in!!

Thanks Dee!! I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey too!! :)
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Bree____ said:
Hey April! We had a lovely weekend thankyou. I'm feeling good but am starting to feel hungry in the evenings despite sticking to my meal plan. I'm going back to my GP for my first check up tomorrow so I will bring that up with him and it will be interesting to see how much I've lost. When he originally weighed me on his scales I was 105kg but they are old scales and I've counted my starting weight at 107kg as that's what I am on my scales at home.
No side effects at all the last couple of days, not even a dry mouth so I haven't actually been drinking as much water as I was and as much as I would like to.
I brought some little health journals and have been writing all of my stuff in there, hence why I haven't been on this in a little while but thanks for checking in!!

Thanks Dee!! I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey too!! :)

Hello Bree!!! Been hoping on getting some news from you, and I see you still keep your silence. =(( How is it going? You were working great at the initial stage of your weight loss process and I hope that you still continue going well!

Looking forward to your update and wish you a great new week!
Hi Bree! How are you doing today? Still working to get to your goal of getting healthier and wearing clothes you like? =) Looking forward to an update from you. Cheers!
Hello Bree. Any news? Any progress? Still going?
I'm trying 2 days on - then one off... let's see how we go
So far I've taken it daily but I have only been on 30mg for a week and 15mg a day for the first week.
I have been taking duromine 15mg and 30mg for 6 days now. I have been alternating between the two each day. So day 1 was 15mg, day 2 was 30mg, day 3 was 15mg and so on. On the first two days i didn't eat much although I was still quite hungry and lost 3.5 kilo's by day 3. I read that not eating is really bad and if i want the weight to stay off I have to eat. So began my high protein diet. Breakfast is two fried eggs in a non stick pan so no additional oil. Lunch is a small tin of tuna, a boiled egg, a tablespoon of weight watchers cottage cheese and a mandarin. Dinner has been a tin of tuna, a boiled egg and mixed vegies with 100 grams of Greek yoghurt afterwards and 30 grams of almonds for a snack after lunch. I'm tracking all my food and eating the right amount of protein and less calories than I am burning to create a calorie deficit- supposedly the answer to weight loss. I have been exercising for 45-1 hr each night and drinking 2+ Litres of water a day as well as green tea 3 times a day but my weight hasn't shifted in 3 days! Am I doing something wrong or just being impatient as it's only been 6 days? My doctor only gave me a 2 month prescription and I'm worried he won't give me another one and I really need to lose another 18.5 kilo's before I reach my goal weight. Has any one tried alternating between days on 15mg and 30mg and had success or is this where I'm going wrong?
I'll also add I haven't had any side effects what so ever. Not even the dry mouth or interrupted sleep so i'm unsure if the duromine is even working. I take it early in the morning at 6 am.

Edit** I am a female, 22 years old, 165cm tall (5ft 5) currently 78.5kg (173 pounds). My start weight was 82 kg and my goal weight is 60 kg.
Last edited:
Hello Je25. First of all, welcome to the forum and a successful weight loss journey to you! Sounds like you are doing everything correctly with the dieting (hope your kidneys are 100% healthy, because high-protein diet poses sort of threat to their health) and exercises (cardio? Strength? Mixed?), as well as the water intake. Secondly, CONGRATULATIONS on first results! 3.5 kg that is quite a lot. Your body might be shocked by now. In fact, this can be the amount that you will lose in this first week, and not a gram more. And it actually is ok, nothing to worry about, the weight loss is good.

Why your weight isn’t moving for 3 days… very hard to say why, it just happens, and you are not the only one. Many people lose weight in by fits and starts. They might be sitting at the same weight for 3-5 days, and all of a sudden they get on the scales and see 3 kilos down. I think you need to give it some time and relax. Your main task is to focus and enjoy, and not being nervous about it.

And now to your scheme. I have never heard of such a way of Duromine use. =) Really, it’s very interesting… did you get the appetite suppression, or there’s nothing at all? 15 mg is weak for many people, though it can be very strong for others. 30 mg is probably the most frequently used dose, but if that’ what you have, both 15 mg and 30 mg, you might try taking them as you are taking, or switch to 30 mg and see if you get better results, and explain your doctor that 15 mg didn’t work and you need an extra prescription for 30 mg… I don’t know… let’s see how it goes. You might get the effect in a couple of days. People are sometimes waiting for 10 days for the effects to start. I wish you a lovely day and a wonderful mood. I am sure, you will be great!
Hey guys I'm new here! I've always been very small weighing 55kg but after being on lexapro after a terrible violet relationship it made me gain 20kg. I have tried for 9 months on my own to lose weight with no success.

I'm on 30mg which I did not even know 15mg existed, I was worried as I'm not massively overweight but I have always weighed between 50-55 my whole life until now. I have the Norma increased heart rate day 1, sleepy in the afternoon. Had a terrible sleep last night kinda feel like I've been hit by a brick wall, so Day 2 today dizzy with very dry lips and very fast heart rate.. I was unsure if I should have been on the 15mg to begin though?

As I've read this is all pretty normal so I'm going to wait the 5 days hoping to subside a bit.

Any chat would help make me feel a bit better, can't really afford to go back right now and change to 15mg as I'm a UNi student
Hi there Blair!
Welcome and good luck with your weight loss goal! Ive found Duro to be a great kick starter!
Dry lips/mouth is a usual side effect, so just get the water into you! It will help to start to flush your system!
On the dizzy side of things, just make sure you keep eating! calories in calories out kinder thing! Clean healthy eating.
The heart rate and side effects should ease after a couple of days, duro is a stimulant, so you may find things are just 'more' then normal, from personal exp with the lack of sleeping thingy, I found two ways to get better sleep.

1) increase your physical load in the day, can be anything, swim, gym, walk, squats and push ups in front of the telly, walk around the block, vacuum the house with a bit of vigour (LOL) ( but at least 30 mins of your heart rate being elevated.)
2) right before bed, as duro is a stimulant, dont do stuff that is going to stimulate your brain/thinking/etc. So like 30mins before bed, leave facebook alone, stop checking ebay prices (lol), then turn the TV/netflix off, pre-set your wake up alarms, then either listen to chillout/relaxing music/or not at all, nice hot shower and straight into bed.

hope it helps!
good luck!
look forward to your updates!
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