Thanks so much for your reply April! I actually ended up doing some planking yesterday while my daughter napped and then walked about 3km's last night before dinner which was great. Dinner last night was 2 cups of non starchy vegetables and 100g of lean steak stir fried with 1 teaspoon of soy and 1 teaspoon of sweet chilli sauce.
I will definitely look up Tabata, thanks so much for the suggestion!
I actually slept pretty well last night, went to bed at 11pm and was asleep by 11.30pm. Our daughter woke up in pain at 3am and came into our bed and we all went straight back to sleep which was nice until 7am when my husband started work.
A mini goal is a good idea. I will have a think about a goal that is challenging but achievable. I have a lot of weight to lose so a few mini goals until I get to my big goal should hopefully help keep me motivated. And I like the idea of a treat haha, a new outfit and a massage sounds right up my alley!
I am going back to see my GP next Wednesday just so he can check my blood pressure and heart rate and see how I'm feeling/going on the 15mg so I guess I will just have to wait until then to see how everything's progressing and we will make a decision from there
• DAY 2 •
I am working night shift tonight so have juggled my day a little bit differently to yesterday/what I plan to do on 'normal' days.
Woke at: 7am and ate 1 date
Breakfast: 8.30am, 1 piece of grainy toast and mayers peanut butter (100% peanuts), (my GP did suggest 2 pieces for breakfast but I thought if I have only 1 then I will be able to take 1 slice to work as night shift usually makes me hungry).
Duromine: Taken at 11am hoping it will help me to feel less tired on my night shift tonight.
Morning snack: Just been sipping on my iced green tea drink with 1L of water and ice today since 11am
Lunch: 1.30pm, 2 cups of salad, today I added a tablespoon of diced tinned beetroot and a thumb size piece of danish feta to make things a bit more exciting and had around 80g of chicken breast today instead of the steak.
Afternoon snack: 4.30pm, 100g of natural yoghurt and around 4 strawberries.
Dinner: I am unsure what I will have for dinner tonight, definitely chicken breast because I already have some in the fridge and then probably some roasted vegetables, maybe cauliflower, carrot and zucchini with Moroccan seasoning sprinkled over them and will aim to eat at 8pm.
Overnight at work I will take 1 piece of grainy bread and peanut butter for a slice of toast and a piece of fruit - probably a pear and a green tea and I'll try and space them out every 3 hours.
I am just about to do some planking and will go for another walk tonight before work and at work tonight should easily be able to clock up 10,000 steps.
I have had no side effects at all today. I don't feel as energised as I did yesterday. No mouth dryness so far but I have been voiding more than usual. Because my mouth hasn't been as dry today I definitely haven't drank as much water and am having to constantly remind myself to drink. But all in all I am feeling pretty good. A slight headache but that's probably my body starting to withdraw from sugar and it's manageable without and pain relief.