Hi there
Needing a little help. I started duromine 5 days ago and need some help with exercises. I broke my leg this year in two places and as a result, have a metal plate screw to my tibia. I also did a lot of damage to my knee in the same accident (MCL tear, miniscus tear). I have had two surgeries (one to install hardware and another to remove one screw that was placed in the ankle for the smaller break). I have been told no running, jogging or fast movements. No kneeling on my knee or doing anything where my knee may pop out.
I have another appointment with my surgeon in 5 months to discuss a reco for my MCL tear if it doesn’t heal on it’s own. As you can see, I don’t have many exercises I can do (that I know of). I was in a wheel chair for four months (I hurt my other ankle too but only soft tissue damage) and put on a ton of weight as a result. I didn’t start properly walking until October (a month ago).
Any ideas on exercises apart from walking and cycling?