Hello hello!
I am a 28 year old female, taking duro for the first time. This duromine isn't my 'magic pill' to give me freedom to eat as much as I want and exercise as little as I want. This is an aide to get me where I need to go, to curb and hopefully cure my emotional tie to yummy food.
Been overweight pretty much since I hit puberty, losing 5-8kgs max at a time and then losing heart because it was so freaking hard (8+ month of no carb, 800cal days 1.5 hrs a day cardio), with so little result (8 kgs!)! Turns out I have hypothyroidism, my Dr suspected about 6 months ago and sent me for some tests and boom, suddenly my life makes sense.
Now all that's sorted, I asked him for this script. Ive had absolutely enough of this! Enough of been so insecure, shy and unsocial and anxious. I just know its all to do with my weight - I hate it. So this is it, I now have all the tools (and knowledge, from years and years of different programs, stalking others weightloss journeys etc etc) to really make my dreams a reality.
Let the good times begin!!
My starting stats:
Age 28
Height 175cm
Weight 89.2kgs
Dose 40mgs
Day One Well I got home from the chemist at 10am, and despite knowing it might keep me awake I got started straight away! Ekkk, it was a roller coaster ride. I cleaned non-stop for 7 hours hahaha. My husband kind of freaked out and kept checking on me. My heart was beating like crazy, I felt my pupils popping lol. Felt a little bit too familiar to some clubbing nights hahaha. But by about 7pm I was able to relax, chill out. Went to sleep at 10.30 until about 5.30am so no problem there. Maybe I had really worked it all out my system lol?
Day Two So I took my second pill at 6am, I had to really pump myself up to get back on the crazy train lol!! Turns out I was worried for nothing, no side effects at all today except the beautiful lack of thoughts about food haha. I felt like I didn't really click into gear - I couldn't really sit still doing nothing, but I didn't have energy either, it was a strange conundrum lol. Ive been maintaining proper regular meals, I might not get quick results but I really don't want to go on a binging rampage when I finish. Plus Im sure literally starving myself will wreck havoc with my thyroid and adrenals and I can't start from scratch with that again.
I haven't weighed myself yet, I feel no change in my bloating etc so I don't want the discouragement lol.
Phew well if you got this far congrats! Thanks for reading

Excited to see what the next few months brings