Hi all
I am a 27 year old married woman with 2 kids (nearly 6 and nearly 7) 2 great danes a kelpie a cat and a horse. I have always been heavy but has gotten worse since I had 2 children 10 months apart the last one being a cesarean and then suffering bad post natal depression. On top of that my husband is fifo so it is very easy to get fast food. So that's all my "excuses" lol
As my thread title states I am sick and tired of not being able to shop where my friends do and looking massive in group photos. Therefore have decided its time to do something serious about it.
I have always been muscular (nobody else I know bar my husband can bench press 120kg ) so am not expecting to reach my BMI ideal weight of 65kgs but want to fit into regular clothes comfortably and not be so heavy......Hopefully somewhere around 78kgs.
I started Duromine 30mg 2 days ago after asking my doctor for it and so far have been having to force myself to eat. In regards to exercise I have a physical job as a aged carer and also a very physical hobbie/voluntary job of horse riding/training. I have also found that Duromine has so far given me extra energy to get things done around the house that were sadly being neglected due to just being so tired, not getting restful sleep (insomnia mixed with sleep apnoea ) Also I use a awesome calorie couting/exercise monitoring app called Myfitnesspal.
So basically my hopes and goals for being on this medication are to lose weight, regain my energy and be confident enough to have my photo taken not always feeling like people are staring at me cause I'm build like the proverbial outhouse
Ok stat time:
starting day-
Current weight: 111.8
Realistic Goal weight: 78
Weight to lose: 33.8
Bust: 125cm
Hips: 127cm
Waist: 105cm
Thigh: 71cm
Neck: 41cm
I think its important to include Cms lost as you dont always lose kg's but tone muscle which makes you smaller LOL.
Day 1:
Felt great took med at 5am and went back to sleep till 7am big improvement for e as I generally cant muster the energy to be out of bed by 10am. tidied up around the house.... Found myself to be a little more "spaced" than normal if i started something then noticed something else that needed doing I tended to forget what I was doing and started next job....Also smoking way more than usual and not the slightest bit interested in food. Took kids out for lunch and forced salad down. All in all a good day diet and mood wise only side effect I have noticed is not being tired but isn't unusual for me anyway.
Day 2:
Again up early and raring to go which is great. got a lot of chores done in the morning and had my first day back at work since starting duromine which I was a bit nervous about cause I had a bit of a "high" around 1pm but stayed well within my daily calorie amount burnt about 2000 calories through work, cleaning and gardening. I did notice I was very thirsty today so kept a bottle of water topped up and with me at all time and I am not yet tired again however s silly as it sounds I am feeling lighter and have a abundance of energy.
I am aiming to only weigh/measure myself weekly and will hopefully update accordingly. I think this forum is a very useful tool in deciding if Duromine is for you as it doesn't just focus on the side effects it gives you a gauge of what to expect weigh loss wise and great diet/exercise tips from real people not just idealists
Good Luck on your weight loss paths everybody