Duromine Day 3

Thanks for the support Kate :)

Was happy to see I'm now down 2kg from 3 days ago, yay!!
I know they say to only weigh weekly, but I'm afraid I'd go nuts if I tried to wait that long :laughing:

I find weighing in each morning helps keep me focused, does anyone else find that??
Looking forward to getting out of the 90s soon!

Take care all and keep at it!
Hi all, just checking in again.
Down to 91.9 this morning after 5 days on Duromine.
Happy to be getting closer to the 80s!!

My first 'official' weigh-in is on Saturday, so hopefully I'll be able to get a bit more off by then :)

Can't say I've had too many side-effects, my sleeping is a bit weird, but in a good way haha, I can get up early and get some housework done!

Hope everyone else is travelling along well. We can do this!!
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Hi all,
No more lost this week, so a total of 2.8kg lost for my Week 1 weigh in :)

On Thursday I got very bloated, not sure if it's just pms, hopefully will go down soon so I can have another good result for Week 2.

The other issue is that I seem to have only just become aware of how big I've actually become, which is quite depressing!! :eek:

Because I put it on so quickly, I kept thinking I would be able to lose it again quite quickly, but I'm now well beyond that point and I have to accept that it will take a while before I'm back to being happy with my size :oops: Sigh :oops:

This week I really have to get back into the exercise swing as I know that's the only way to get the kilos moving faster. And to do that I also need to get my attitude right ;)
It would be easier to get my attitude right if I could fit into any of my clothes though :confused:

Anyway, nearly at my first mini goal of 3kg. I've decided to make 12 mini goals of 3kg to help chunk things down so it seems less overwhelming! And hopefully I'll get under 90kg soon.... Please????

Take care all, and stick with it. We'll get there eventually!!
Finally made my first mini goal of 3kg after 8 days.
Which means I'm 1/12 of the way there :)

I took a pic for my progress yesterday and was absolutely horrified :eek:
But it's motivated me even further to get this weight off ASAP.
I seriously can't stand it any more. This fat needs to go NOW!!

Looking forward to getting under 90 and then my second mini goal of 6kg very soon!

Start date
Mini goal /12
1. 19/10/14 (8 days)
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Hi There,

I am 22 years old, and my starting weight was 72.5 kgs. I am 165cm tall.
1 year ago I weighed in at 58kgs. So I have been very down lately about my weight and how quickly I am putting it on.
My doctor has allowed me to start taking Duromine 30mgs. I am currently on my 3rd day.
Surprisingly, I have gone down 1.5kgs on the scales. I am assuming that this is just water weight.
Duromine has given me a large amount of energy, however, I have had trouble sleeping an entire night. I have been waking up approximately 2 hours after I fall asleep and am awake for around 2-3 hours a night. Besides that, I have not seen any further side effects other than a dry mouth in the afternoons.
There is however, another issue that I am unsure of whether it is associated with Duromine.. I had my period only 1 and half weeks ago. But last night I did not have any cramps or period pain and noticed I had some spotting, it was very light, however, this morning I have noticed that the bleeding is getting heavier. I do not have any menstrual cramps or anything, and I am not on the pill, so I don't understand why I would have irregular bleeding.
I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem? I have not seen this as one of the side effects, so it could be an entirely different issue.
Also, I would like to know, if anyone around the 70kg mark has used Duromine, and what results did you get out of it? When I purchased the pills, the pharmacist stated that she did not believe I would receive any results as I am not classed as "Morbidly Obese".. I would love to hear back!
Ash xx
Hi ash :)
I am also on 30mg and have been for the past three days. So far I have had no side effects. Just wondering what time do you usually take your tablet?
Hi Megan :laughing:
As it is the weekend, I have been taking it around 8am, however, as of tomorrow (work) I will take it when I wake up around 6ish.
Have you had any issues with sleeping?
So far no issues sleeping, I wake at about 5 - 5:30 to take my tablet then head back to sleep. Sometimes I find that I will wake up a couple hours later completely awake however this has gone away now. I think the body just needs some time to get used to it and your sleeping habits will be back to normal in no time.
Good luck :laughing: x
I hope so! I am a little bit of a hypochondriac :p Yes good luck to you too, I can't wait to see results!! Keep me posted xx
Hi Ladies
I'm on day 3 too - the scales actually said a 3.5kg weight loss this morning but I know that's likely to fluctuate, so I'm not paying much attention to it at the moment. Looking forward to the 1st week measurements/weigh in though!
The only real side effect I've had is lack of sleep - first night only about 3 hours and last night I got 5.
I feel fine though, still have plenty of energy. Im a bit spacey though, but not so much that anyone would notice.

Its funny you should say that about your period Ashleigh - I finished mine the day before I started Duromine, but then the next evening it came back for about 24 hours? Just light spotting. I thought it was strange because that's never happened before.
Anyway I'll ask my doc about it when I go back for my 1 month check up to get my next script for Duromine.

Good to see some other people just starting at the same time I am! Its been a bit dead around here.

Wish you both luck
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Morning ladies!
I have a bit of a problem, I'm on my 5th day and I would have thought my sleeping pattern should have changed by now.. I went to sleep last night at 11:30 and awoke at 130am. I have been up ever since and have not been able to go back to sleep. I also have had heart palpitations and are unsure whether I should keep taking the pills?! I really want too. But I just need an opinion on whether. I should be worried??? Orris this normal?
Heart palpitations are one of the known side effects.
I'm on the 5th day and feeling great so I would stick it out for a bit longer if I were you. However as with everything, go see your doc if you are concerned. They will take your BP and make sure everything is a-ok

Good luck
Thanks Kelly, I went to the doctors this morning, however it was not the doctor that prescribed them. Blood pressure and heart beat was all good, however she does think I should stop taking the pills.
I am going to monitor today and I might just start taking the pills every second day to give my body a break.
Well I'm glad you went to the doc and they said you were ok.

I told the chemist I was going to have "rest days" on the pills and he advised against it. He said that the medication levels in your body going up and down all the time will make any potential side effects worse. I don't know though! The one thing about Duromine is that there are so many conflicting opinions, it's hard to know who to listen to!
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Yesterday I started and by the afternoon my heart rate was slightly elevated I was feeling jittery and dry mouth with loads of energy.
Today feel a little jittery and feeling hungry
I'm on 30mg and drinking lots of water.
Breakfast I had a piece of toast
Snack grapes
Lunch pork with steamed veggies
I could eat more but won't.
Has anyone else felt hungry but maintained weight loss. I don't want to overeat as I want to change my portions. But I don't want to go into starvation either. Could it just be an adjustment period, Thoughts?
I went through the same thing at about day 4, I got through by preparing a days food the night before breaking it into 5 meals/snacks and setting an alarm for each one, I made sure I had water between each one (5l a day) this is making things much easier to manage now, try that
Thanks for the advice
Hi - I think probably the best thing to do for all of us is to plan what we are going to eat the night before.
My problem is not wanting to eat so I know I'm not having enough calories. I'm hoping by writing down bfast, lunch, dinner, its going to help keep me honest and make sure I do it.
Perhaps this could help for you? If you write it down and know thats all you are going to eat for the day?
Its probably more of a mental thing driving your appetite, rather than actual hunger. It will likely settle down soon - your stomach will shrink and you will get used to having less food.
Also, try to find a distraction from food if you can. Do you have an iphone? Perhaps you could do a 30 day squat challenge or find a game to play to distract you?
Nasisnz said:
I went through the same thing at about day 4, I got through by preparing a days food the night before breaking it into 5 meals/snacks and setting an alarm for each one, I made sure I had water between each one (5l a day) this is making things much easier to manage now, try that
Excellent idea, Dave! :)

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