Duromine Day 3

Hi, I am on day 3 also. Was jittery on day 1 with a headache and I thougt I can't stand this for a month. This has now gone but I also have a drying and am therefore drinking lots. Having read other comments about constipation this might be a good idea. I am also doing green smoothies in the morning to keep up the nutrients as if you eat less you will have less iron and vitamins.
Britt boo said:
Hi all!! So happy I found this forum! I am on day 3 of duromine, I was pretty nervous to take it as some of the side effects I read scared me a bit but everyone's different so I too it, I'm on 30mg and I weigh 72.4 my goal would would maybe be 62 would be awesome but that's going to take work I know! I haven't eaten a wholeeeee lot in the last 2 days as I haven't been starving but I'm making sure I have breakfast lunch and dinner and I walk/run 5kms every day! I'm hoping the weight is going to drop off but I don't want to get my girls up! No real side effects except the first day I felt very anxious but that went away and now I just have a dry mouth which makes me drink more water, I drank 4L of water today it's great! Can't wait till Sunday to weigh in!!

Hey babe, how are you going with it all? We're similar starting weight so I'm curious :)
Day 1
No side effects
and felt normal
still felt hungry

day 2
Feeling little energetic
appitite has decreased
no effects just metalic taste in mouth
slept well

day 3
Woke up not tired
ate banana and yogurt
I weighed my self just to see what was happening I had lost 3.1kg
no side effects at all
very lucky
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Wow great work! And isn't that metallic taste gross haha I had that too
Hi im day five it has been going very well and appitite is has decreased and so far so good weigh in is on sunday :) so keep u posted
Keep it up! My weigh in is on Monday, I'll keep you posted too:)
Hey im lucky the taste has sunsided x
Brooke, it's a phenomenal weight loss already!
You see "most people" complain about having just 1-2 kg loss like you said because they usually speak of long-term results, but you are on your first week. I don't want to discourage you, but usually the weight loss is the highest at the beginning, after that it is getting harder and harder and the numbers may decrease. So just be prepared.
A loss is a loss - that's right! Good luck with weigh in this weekend!
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Day 11

Hi all I have lost another 700gm
this is a weight loss of 4.7kg
which means im another number down

feeling off to day
I started my morning off with a peice of fruit water and my duromine ate sumo salad and was full all day could not eat

spent all night spewing and dioreah I think I caught kiddies gastroe

well take care all
Aw that's terrible, hope you get better... You might need to eat some food that will help your tummy right now. x
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Thanks hun.
I feel a little off.. but drinking fluods might have some toast or crackers perhaps

I hope I feel better soon ibhate been sick xx
Aw, I was thinking toast would be good too for you... take care. Or maybe a little white rice? x
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Not a rice fan sadly def go toast and cuppa lol
have a good day hun
Thought I would start this journal to keep myself accountable and to watch what I eat. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

Day 1
Very thirsty within 2 hours of taking pill, started sweating as well. Didn’t feel like breakfast. Didn’t feel hungry at all until around 8pm, which is unusual. Started craving healthy things like celery (I hate celery!!). Drank about 3 litres of water. Had lots of energy, more than usual. Normally I need to take a nap throughout the day to keep me going, but did not need to today.

Breakfast/Lunch: Spinach and tofu scramble with avocado
Snack: Celery sticks with hummus
Dinner: Brown rice with stir fried veggies and tofu
Exercise: 20min cardio + 30min weight training

Day 2
Weighed myself this morning even though I probably shouldn’t have and the scales said 76.4!! This made me really happy as I have not been below 77kg in about two or three months. Even though it was only a little difference it gave me a boost to keep going. Positive thinking! Woke up at 6am, took my pill, then went back to bed and woke up at 9am. Normally I wake up still feeling sleepy, but today I felt like I actually had energy. Managed to run a full 90 minutes of soccer today as well, and we were two players down so heaps more running than usual.

Breakfast: Soy milk smoothie with soy yoghurt, banana, chia seeds and spinach.
Snack: 1 homemade protein ball
Lunch: Brown rice with stir fried kale and tofu
Dinner: Carrot and celery sticks with hummus
Exercise: 90 minutes of soccer, intense running

Day 3
I know I shouldn’t have but I weighed myself this morning…came in at 77.9kg. I had hardly eaten anything the day before so was hoping that I would have lost some weight, but instead gained it. I can’t help but weigh myself - if the numbers go down I am instantly happy for the rest of the day and walk around with an air of positivity. But if the numbers are up, I get really down. I think I might have to let my boyfriend hide the scales and only weigh myself every week.

Woke up with not much energy today, hoping that I feel better lately. Feeling a bit down…those damn scales!! Had a long nap today, first time I have felt like I needed one. Kept procrastinating from going to the gym, but ended up going at midnight which I am proud about.

Breakfast: Soy milk smoothie with spinach, cacao and protein powder
Lunch: Yoghurt and almonds
Dinner: Handful of cashews (I know I didn't eat much today but I just wasn't feeling hungry. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle means that I have to do a lot of food preparation in order to have food for the next day, but I just haven't felt like doing that lately, will try harder next week)
Exercise: 20 mins cardio + 30 mins weights

Weighed myself at the gym (I know I need to stop!!!) and the scales said 75.8kg!!!!! That's the lowest I've been in more than a year!!!! I can sleep happy now :)
lol those bloody scales! Same for me, either make me really motivated and happy or annoyed especially when I know I have 'been good!' Well done on reaching new low numbers though!!!
Just weighed myself and I am 79kg...so I've put on nearly 2 kilos....I've hardly been eating anything compared to what I usually eat, how have I gained weight???? I'm so upset...just ready to give up now.
Is your calorie intake consistent each day?
Colette said:
Is your calorie intake consistent each day?

I haven't been strictly counting my calories, but I would estimate that I have consistently been eating under 1000 calories a day
Colette said:
Is your calorie intake consistent each day?

Just weighed myself and I am 76.9kg...phew. Still haven't loss what I wanted to, but better than nothing. Definitely need to stop weighing myself everyday haha

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