Duromine Day 3

hi everyone
So I am 5,5 and weigh 109 kgs I am a mother to 3 girls under 8 I have never been "skinny" was always around the 75-80 kg mark until I fell pregnant with my first daughter at 21 and it gradually piled on after that but 20kgs since I had my youngest who is now 4 I have a been actively trying to lose this weight for the last 18 months with pretty much every diet there is but the last 3 months I have been trying so to stick to healthy eating and I've been going to a bootcamp 4 to 5 days a week and it was working great I was dropping cms but my mind always gets in my way I can stick to a healthy diet and smash a great training session out then ruin it with what I eat late at night and I hate myself for it but I can't seem to stop it
Perfect example....
I have taken duramine 30mg for three days I had been sticking to 6 small meals 1200-1400cal I hade had the dry mouth and a metalic taste in my mouth and one real bad headache but nothing major I think I was still feeling slight hunger pains at times but it was like a odd dullness to them that just went away after a few minutes but I could handle all that but guess what my non existent will power struck again I ate crap just because others were eating it and I am so mad at myself because let's face it duramin is not cheap!! And I just feel right into my old habits at the first test....I am not giving up tho I am going to start fresh in the morning but I was wondering if anyone else has had similar struggles and if you have beaten it and how any tips would be hugely appreciated
Hi, don't stress too much about your little stumble, it's only early days. The first week I needed to use a little will power as well as the duromine. Almost 6 weeks in to my journey and it's much easier to control what I eat. I still have the occasional bit of junk food like 1 party pie or a kfc zinger (just the chicken fillet), but mostly my diet is really good. The duromine helped me stop at 1 pie, it helped me just eat the chicken fillet and throw out the bread, normally I would have the burger, chips, soft drink plus look for more food after.

When you ate the junk food, did you go all out and eat the same size portion you normally would? Or just have a little and feel guilty?

In reality we are probably going to have a little junk food now and than, I believe it's more about making better choices and portion control. If you think you can't eat a certain food at all, you will crave it even more.

Fresh start tomorrow, you can do it! GOODLUCK:)
Thank you for replying and the little bit of hope that you have just given me
I had a medium Big Mac meal and I felt so full and bloated after it which I wouldn't usually so I think that was the duramine kicking in a bit which I don't think I would want those cramps again so that will hopefully be a bit of a deterrent but I think I was more upset that I hadn't even lasted the 3 days....Im happy that there is hope at the end of the tunnel I will try and stick with it and push threw the first week that does see to be the biggest hurdle by the sounds of it what sort of results have you had if you don't mind me asking?
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No worries, it does get easier as time goes by. Drinking atleast 2L of water a day, eating low carb and daily exercise really help. I have had good results so far, you can find my journey under the 'My experience with duromine' section, mine is the one titled 'I made it to week 4'.
Great I will have a look thank you x
Happy happy happy:)) week 7 and lost 1.6kg this week so now have lost 9.7kg in 7 weeks!!!
Start weight 102.7 and now 93 kg looking forward to being under 90kg then first goal done :)
Toni63 said:
Happy happy happy:)) week 7 and lost 1.6kg this week so now have lost 9.7kg in 7 weeks!!!
Start weight 102.7 and now 93 kg looking forward to being under 90kg then first goal done :)

Yay, well done;). How good is that feeling when the number keeps dropping each week!
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Toni63 said:
Happy happy happy:)) week 7 and lost 1.6kg this week so now have lost 9.7kg in 7 weeks!!!
Start weight 102.7 and now 93 kg looking forward to being under 90kg then first goal done :)
Great work. The way you are going you will be there in the next 2 weeks. Yay! You will need new clothes soon great rewards and make you feel good. Keep up the fantastic work. T x
Thank you both for your support :))
Hi all. I'm a newbie, my first time on D and day 3. My doctor put me on it once my BMI reached 32. I have suffered anxiety and panic attacks this year and the medication i was given made me put on weight and increased my appetite. Also I haven't lost baby weight, or 'self protection' weight from years ago. So its all a rich tapestry :)

Am going off anxiety meds at the same time, my big plan is that exercise will replace it. I used to exercise a lot but not since my baby was born 20 months ago, and the extra weight makes me self conscious. But that's ok, that's why there are workout dvds! Right now I like ballet beautiful (hence my nickname).

Also, I have been SO TIRED for months. It's a result of anxiety, which wakes me at 4am most mornings, and having a lil one. I was drinking 3 coffees and just as many teas a day, and feeling like I could barely get through the work day.

So here we are, day 3 on D. it is doing what its designed to do, I think. Weight has been lost, but I didn't weigh myself today. It occurred to me that I should take measurements so I'll do that tomorrow.

My sleep is awful, but then again it was awful anyway with the anxiety.
I am thirsty a lot so I drink water.
Day 1 and 2 I felt very high energy. Running around after my lil one was easier than usual. Day 3 i feel good just less 'buzzy'.
My appetite is GONE. This is freakin awesome. I am averaging about 1300 calories a day, and i make sure i have meals as usual - just smaller ones. My mid morning snack is 8 almonds and a cup of tea and that suits me fine. No afternoon snack thus far.
The most important thing though - I HAVE ENERGY. I feel like a member of the human race again, after being so exhausted for so long. Even when I feel a tiny bit tired, I can still do stuff. This is massive. Works better on my mood than the anxiety meds ever did.
The energy means I've exercised for 50 minutes the last 2 evenings, once bub has gone to bed. Just ballet beautiful, which is a mat workout with cardio components. It's hard and it makes me sweat (i am unfit though!). I plan to do this every day if i can.
I'm aiming to go for a stroll at lunchtime on work days, trying to get to 10000 steps a day (in an average day of no workouts, i do 7000ish)

My plan is to get the weight loss started, get into all the good habits and get used to eating less food. I'm hoping that all of this will just lead to me being healthier overall, and happier as a result.

Nice to be here. Wish me luck!

It is lovely to hear you are feeling so good and have little side effects. Look under the thread "side effects"for tips to help with the insomnia.

You seem to be on the right track, and should see wonderful results.

Keep us posted, and GOOD LUCK;)
TerribleBalletDancer said:
Hi all. I'm a newbie, my first time on D and day 3. My doctor put me on it once my BMI reached 32. I have suffered anxiety and panic attacks this year and the medication i was given made me put on weight and increased my appetite. Also I haven't lost baby weight, or 'self protection' weight from years ago. So its all a rich tapestry :)

Am going off anxiety meds at the same time, my big plan is that exercise will replace it. I used to exercise a lot but not since my baby was born 20 months ago, and the extra weight makes me self conscious. But that's ok, that's why there are workout dvds! Right now I like ballet beautiful (hence my nickname).

Also, I have been SO TIRED for months. It's a result of anxiety, which wakes me at 4am most mornings, and having a lil one. I was drinking 3 coffees and just as many teas a day, and feeling like I could barely get through the work day.

So here we are, day 3 on D. it is doing what its designed to do, I think. Weight has been lost, but I didn't weigh myself today. It occurred to me that I should take measurements so I'll do that tomorrow.

My sleep is awful, but then again it was awful anyway with the anxiety.
I am thirsty a lot so I drink water.
Day 1 and 2 I felt very high energy. Running around after my lil one was easier than usual. Day 3 i feel good just less 'buzzy'.
My appetite is GONE. This is freakin awesome. I am averaging about 1300 calories a day, and i make sure i have meals as usual - just smaller ones. My mid morning snack is 8 almonds and a cup of tea and that suits me fine. No afternoon snack thus far.
The most important thing though - I HAVE ENERGY. I feel like a member of the human race again, after being so exhausted for so long. Even when I feel a tiny bit tired, I can still do stuff. This is massive. Works better on my mood than the anxiety meds ever did.
The energy means I've exercised for 50 minutes the last 2 evenings, once bub has gone to bed. Just ballet beautiful, which is a mat workout with cardio components. It's hard and it makes me sweat (i am unfit though!). I plan to do this every day if i can.
I'm aiming to go for a stroll at lunchtime on work days, trying to get to 10000 steps a day (in an average day of no workouts, i do 7000ish)

My plan is to get the weight loss started, get into all the good habits and get used to eating less food. I'm hoping that all of this will just lead to me being healthier overall, and happier as a result.

Nice to be here. Wish me luck!
Hey ballet lady
Just read your post and curious seeing you're ahead of me in terms of the time you started on D where you are at with weight loss?
Hi there

It's chugging along. I have lost 3kg but have lost around 3cm from all over my body. I had hoped I'd lose more weight by now but hey, its been 3 weeks so it's healthy weight loss at least.

I have been solid with the diet too - under 1500 cals a day. Definitely less appetite, but I wouldn't say I have no appetite. More like I have 25% less appetite than I used to.. Which works just fine!

I have been very conscious of a lot of the rhetoric about "you'll gain it all back once you stop taking it!". So I have been eating much the same food I have always liked, meaning I still eat carbs. I cannot exist in a world where I can't eat bread, pasta or sweet potato! So I still eat them but I eat a lot less. I want to make lasting changes to my life by eating smaller portions overall. I treat myself every day with one square of Lindt Mint Excellence dark chocolate.

I have heard that it takes 3 weeks to build a new habit and its been 3 weeks for me. Finger's crossed.

I am also exercising a fair bit. I am doing "couch to 5km" walk/run program, and 2 walks every day - one at lunchtime at work, and one with my toddler in the stroller in the evening (bribed with a trip to the playground after!). Each is 30 minutes. I might add another run in the morning, but the exercise is for my anxiety more than anything.

So that's me. How are you going?
I tried the no-carb thing and just could not do it. Weight loss was good but I got so tired and moody:confused:
You have the right idea, all in moderation. I try to stick to one serving of carbs and that gets me through the day and satisfy craving.
I'm doing well terrible ballerina.
Although my weekend was a little bad. I went away where there was yummy tempting food which did tempt me. That's why I'm here. First hurdle.... and whilst I didn't fail miserably I ate a few things which didn't taste that yummy.

I havn't weighed in so don't really know but I feel smaller and my cloths feel a bit more comfortable.

No one notices any changes in me yet so I guess maybe it's just obvious to me as I'm focusing on it so much, it's my current focus. I just want to fast forward 3 weeks.

I'll let you know weight loss when I know. I think it will be good, fingers crossed.
Week 10 update:
Very happy to report have now lost 13kg (12.9 to be precise)!!!! So glad to be under the 90's:):rolleyes::laughing:
Hit a bit of a slump about week 8 for 10 days and had to give myself a good talking to, as in what had changed and what was I going to be doing about it. Glad I listened to myself lol, realised my gym workouts where getting easy so had to change up my cardio to make it harder and the results returned.
So next goal is to get under 80!!! 2 more weeks till I see my doc who'll let me have one more month of duromine then have to go off it for awhile. Hopefully my new eating and exercise habits will keep me losing weight without it.
For those who worry about doing this when your older I'm 51 and peri-menopausal so even though it's harder losing weight than when you were younger, it is still possible!!!!!!
Sw: 102.7
Cw: 89.8
Toni63 said:
Week 10 update:
Very happy to report have now lost 13kg (12.9 to be precise)!!!! So glad to be under the 90's:):rolleyes::laughing:
Hit a bit of a slump about week 8 for 10 days and had to give myself a good talking to, as in what had changed and what was I going to be doing about it. Glad I listened to myself lol, realised my gym workouts where getting easy so had to change up my cardio to make it harder and the results returned.
So next goal is to get under 80!!! 2 more weeks till I see my doc who'll let me have one more month of duromine then have to go off it for awhile. Hopefully my new eating and exercise habits will keep me losing weight without it.
For those who worry about doing this when your older I'm 51 and peri-menopausal so even though it's harder losing weight than when you were younger, it is still possible!!!!!!
Sw: 102.7
Cw: 89.8


Bet u done a little jump for joy when u weighed in and seen an 8 in front!
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Congrats Toni, well done. Bet you feel good within yourself.
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Week 12 update: start weight: 102.7 current weight 87.7kg !!!
Happy dance :))) 15 kg in 12 weeks pretty happy with that :))
Now for the next 10kg. Feeling determined!
Toni63 said:
Week 12 update: start weight: 102.7 current weight 87.7kg !!!
Happy dance :))) 15 kg in 12 weeks pretty happy with that :))
Now for the next 10kg. Feeling determined!

Congrats:) great result! Bet half your clothes no longer fit;)

So are you going to keep taking Duromine? I got to 12 weeks, decided it's not officially 3 months so am now still on D for one more week. I really don't want to stop just yet, my doc never told me take a break. I'm tempted to stay on it to see if it continues to work for me. Did your doctor tell you to take a break at 3 months?

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