Duromine Day 5

@Abigail Miller - so happy that you got your results and there is nothing negative happening!! You must be feeling a little relieved yes?

I wish you every success in your continued weight loss!

and if I don't hear from you I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year :)
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How was your Day 5 on Duromine? You can share your fifth-day experience here.
So I started 5 days ago. I’ve lost 1.5kg. I haven’t been exercising this week as I’ve been working double shifts so it will be interesting to see how much I can drop next week when I’m back at the gym. I haven’t been hungry much at all which has been major for me. Like no cravings or anything. Also I stated on 15mg for the first 3 days and had zero side effects (wasn’t even sure if was doing anything) so I’ve stepped it up to 30mg and the only thing I have experienced is dry mouth. So far so good. I’m hoping things stay like this and in a week or two I have a total mental breakdown and end up binge eating my way through my pantry lol.
jillr1305 said:
So I started 5 days ago. I’ve lost 1.5kg. I haven’t been exercising this week as I’ve been working double shifts so it will be interesting to see how much I can drop next week when I’m back at the gym. I haven’t been hungry much at all which has been major for me. Like no cravings or anything. Also I stated on 15mg for the first 3 days and had zero side effects (wasn’t even sure if was doing anything) so I’ve stepped it up to 30mg and the only thing I have experienced is dry mouth. So far so good. I’m hoping things stay like this and in a week or two I have a total mental breakdown and end up binge eating my way through my pantry lol.
well done jillr1305, your off to a good start :p
make sure to drink plenty of water, that will also help with the dry mouth,
you'll notice when you get back into the gym that you have loads of energy to work out, your gonna love it!

duromine reacts to our environment, so if we stay positive and remain focused it will go with us ;)
likewise if we are lazy when it comes to exercise or start eating fatty foods, it will put it's feet up & do nothing, so to speak..

oh that reminds me, if you still have some of the 15ml left? rather than seeing them go to waste try taking 2 at once,
i used to do it years ago :) i even found that it kicks harder than taking a 30ml,
i never had any problems and i miss doing that actually lol

if you need any advice over the next few weeks don't be afraid to ask,
your among friends here on the forum, it's a wonderful place to find inspiration as well..

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jillr1305 said:
So I started 5 days ago. I’ve lost 1.5kg. I haven’t been exercising this week as I’ve been working double shifts so it will be interesting to see how much I can drop next week when I’m back at the gym. I haven’t been hungry much at all which has been major for me. Like no cravings or anything. Also I stated on 15mg for the first 3 days and had zero side effects (wasn’t even sure if was doing anything) so I’ve stepped it up to 30mg and the only thing I have experienced is dry mouth. So far so good. I’m hoping things stay like this and in a week or two I have a total mental breakdown and end up binge eating my way through my pantry lol.
Good job, @jillr1305!
I think that physical activity will help you to lose more. However. -1,5 kg is a great result for the first week. If you don't have cravings, it means that Duromine works ;)
To avoid the dry mouth effects, drink 2-3 liters of water each day. The more - the better!

@Dre, I'm not sure that taking two capsules of 15 mg is a good idea. The manufacturer doesn't recommend it. So, it's your own responsibility...
jillr1305 said:
So I started 5 days ago. I’ve lost 1.5kg. I haven’t been exercising this week as I’ve been working double shifts so it will be interesting to see how much I can drop next week when I’m back at the gym. I haven’t been hungry much at all which has been major for me. Like no cravings or anything. Also I stated on 15mg for the first 3 days and had zero side effects (wasn’t even sure if was doing anything) so I’ve stepped it up to 30mg and the only thing I have experienced is dry mouth. So far so good. I’m hoping things stay like this and in a week or two I have a total mental breakdown and end up binge eating my way through my pantry lol.
Wow! What a great start Jill :)
I can't agree more with StacyB and Dre - liters of water and extra physical activity will definitely make a huge difference to your daily routine on Duromine.
Super good you have no side effects besides dry mouth! I also recommend you "color" your water drinks with some lime, lemon, berries, or mint and ginger to make it less boring to drink;) Not to mention fresh fruit & berries add a reasonable amount of natural sugar, thus you can avoid drinking soda (if you have such a problem of course).
Wish you achieve your weight loss goal soon. Keep us updated on your progress dear!
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April said:
Wow! :party: Five days have passed since you've started your weight loss journey with Duromine! Most of the adverse reactions are gone. If not, don't worry. You’ll be alright by day 7-10.
By the way, not only are women worried about their health and weight. Men also take Duromine to lose weight. Day by day, they describe their Duromine results and share their life hacks.

Did you know that people take Duromine every second day if they experience severe adverse reactions? Sometimes it really works!

But the most important here is community support. We all are here in the same boat. Some people have already lost several cm, but some experience difficulties and are not losing weight on Duromine. And that's absolutely fine!

Find out more about Duromine on Day 5 in this thread. We’re sure you'll find it informative.
so accurate.
day 5 and side effects are indeed gone 🥳

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