Duromine + Meal Replacement



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Jul 28, 2014
Western Australia
Has anyone been on both duromine and meal replacements? I am considering going on a shake diet as well as duromine to help it along. Just want to see if anyons has experience with this.
You still need to "chew" some food to your stomach and intestines work properly. Only shakes is a bad solution. If you combine shakes with food - then great.
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Also make sure of the nutritional value - some shakes are designed for weight loss, but others for muscle building, and if you take the wrong one you will rather gain than loose weight!
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I was thinking opti-fast and only replacing breakfast and lunch but having a proper dinner with the hubbie and kids. So I dont miss out on that special time of the day.
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kookie said:
I was thinking opti-fast and only replacing breakfast and lunch but having a proper dinner with the hubbie and kids. So I dont miss out on that special time of the day.
Good idea Kookie - family times are precious;)
Hi Kookie, this was my experience last week having an optifast shake at lunchtime.
Porridge & skinny coffee breaky, fruit for am tea, shake lunch, fruit again pm tea, verges and meat for tea.
Had this for 4 days when my stomach started to bloat and I became constipated.
I had a pico prep(bowel prep for surgery- I work in a hospital) to relieve the discomfort and pain.
I'll never do it again. It obviously dosent suit my body and diet.
It's a pain, as I'm really busy at work all day and the shakes helped out time wise. (I was never hungry after either.
Goodluck! I'd love to know how you go especially with your diet. Maybe I wasn't doing the right thing.
kookie said:
Has anyone been on both duromine and meal replacements? I am considering going on a shake diet as well as duromine to help it along. Just want to see if anyons has experience with this.

Hi Kookie,

I'm currently on the Isagenix shake diet. It has been great so far, but as it's a cleansing diet, I have taken a break from Duromine until the end of the month.

Duromine had pretty much stopped working for me, so I decided to try putting my body through a cleanse to kick start it again. I think most shake diets are a form of cleansing, as you remove all carbs, softdrinks, sugars, etc from your diet.

I'm not sure if shakes & Duromine are a great idea at the same time, as they both have a tendency to cause constipation. Like Ally, I have experienced constipation on the shakes. I fixed that with a few prunes. Ha Ha!!! But I'm not sure how you'd fair on both?

Good luck :)
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Yep, I use thermowhey.
I use herbalife shakes. Snack on small tubs of jelly or yoghurt
I have some low calorie celebrity slim shakes here, could I just replace breakfast or lunch with them then still have dinner do you think?
What's the sugar, calorie and protein content in celebrity slim?

Mine is, per serve : calories- 103 calories, not including milk.
Protein- 24.6
Sugar- 0.4
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I have a shake for breakfast every morning and maybe for lunch too then have a normal dinner.
I use Optislim, it is recommended by my dietician and used in hospitals I have been told.
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Yowsas that celebrity slim has alot of sugar and pretty high in calories!
Anyone doing optislim whilst on duro? My weight wont budge so im thinking of doing it!

So diet would be

Optislim shake for brekky
Apple for snack
Optislim shake for lunch
Nuts for snack
Small proportion of what everyone has for dinner which is usually just meat and veg.
Hi Alexa,
I am doing optislim and yes I have it for breakfast and Lunch. I aim to have a snack but most days only get my morning tea in. I have what the rest of the family are having for dinner minus the carbs.
This is only my first month on duro. My Dr and I have planned that for the first month I will stick to my optislim shakes. Hopefully this will see a loss and help build my confidence. Next month I will only have my opti shake for breaky and increase my exercise (as I am taking more food in). So I have booked a trainer four times a week from the 26/11.
Good luck
How long have you been taking D? And what dose? Are you exercising as well? The diet you mention sounds similar to pre- gastric banding surgery referral? It may help lose weight in the short term, but you're not going to be able to sustain that long term as it sounds so boring! Just my opinion, but I think a balanced diet with real food (just less of it) would be better long term. The D is there to stave off hunger cravings while your stomach and brain readjust to smaller portions. I commend you for committing to lose weight and wish you success!
Thanks shazzabig for your reply! That is also my plan of attack to cut down the shakes as I go and Introduce more healthy meals as I have a 3 month prescription on duro.Hope it goes well for you and you see great amounts of weightloss!!

Ive only been taking duro since the start of this month and is 30mg.I do group pt 5 days a week and walk 3 to 5 k every day, I also have weights at home that I do every now and again.I took duro mid last year to kick start my diet and lost 7 kilos on it and a further 10 once I was off it so I know what im in for.i am a very boring eater but thats the way I like it im not much to try new foods.As I said to shazzabig as I go along the 3 months I will introduce more foods slowly.i also wish you success on your duro journey lollyterror and thank you for your input.

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