Duromine & Mental and Mood Issues

Just took my first Duromine... I'm excited, let the journey begin!
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Hi Skinny2B, great to hear you're finally joining us :laughing:

I think it's normal to get one month at a time, they want to check your blood pressure, make sure you're not having any adverse effects. But 400km!!!! Where on earth do you live??? :laughing::laughing::laughing:

As for my program, we'll I've been a bit unwell this week with the flu, so I haven't got any exercise done unfortunately... I try and stick around the 1000 calorie mark, sometimes a little more, sometimes less. I just go with how I feel mainly. But that's without exercise, so I reckon your plan sounds good :)

How are you going so far? Any side effects?? I think it's pretty normal to feel a bit weird for the first few days, by about Day 5 I was fine ;)

Best of luck, and keep us posted!!

Xx Lizzie
Thanks Lizzie,
Day two... I felt pretty good yesterday, a bit spacey but it was quite a nice feeling (he he). Didn't sleep much, but still feeling good today. I'm thinking I'll take it everyday for the first week and give my system a big jump start, and then I might take it every second day to push it out til I get to the Dr again.... But I'll see how I go.
I'm already feeling like my clothes fit better, he he... Can't wait for weigh in next Sat!
Hope you're feeling better Lizzie... Having a cold sucks!
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Day 6 today and the side effects seem to be bad at lunch time but wear off quite quickly .. went out with pregnant sister and her partner today .. they tried to get me to have some pizza and coke .. it was funny I didn't even get a watery mouth when I smelt pizza.. just stuck to my water and had a healthy lunch at home.. I feel like I have a really obvious dry cotton mouth and a fat tounge .. stil staring into space .. but least its not as bad ...
Well done hopeful, I was the same on the weekend had lunch with the family and they were all eating chips with the lunch, I just had my chicken and salad and had no dramas, even gave desert a miss.
Hey Lizzie,
Best of luck for the weigh in tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how you at going!

Sunny how are you going ?

Day 5 for me and all gong well. I will let you know results on first week on Sat!
Hi Stalkers,

Its been a while,weigh in for both of u,can't wait to hear on yOur progress.

I haven't weighed myself this week,have been a bad girl but last week I lost 1.5kg.Total weight lost Is 5.5kg,I hOpe I haven't gained any this week......will update later on today.

Good Luck ladies.
Stay strong Sunny, we all have out bad weeks - maybe it s a hormonal thing!:p Next week will be better again.
Hi ladies,
End of my first week today and I lost 2.9 kg. super stocked with that! Also back in the 70's... Never to see the 80's again! Haven't had side effects, except drinking loads of water which I'm loving. Hope this week is as good as last!
Don't worry about a bad week Sunny, just make sure next week is a good one!
How are you going Lizzie??
Hi Ladies,

Can I join you? I've been reading your stories, congratulations on your weight loss so far, you are inspiring me.

I am due to start Duromine tomorrow. I tried it 6 months ago but gave up after a week due to bad side effects.....also the lack of sleep did my head in, I managed about 1-2hrs per night. Any in the 6 months since I tried it I have gained more weight so enough is enough, I'm going to try it again.

Anyway my current weight is 81kg and I'd love to get down to 65kg which is what I weighed 2years ago.
Hi, Bec32
Sure, we'll be glad to have you here with us!
Hope this time your weight loss goes much easier and faster. Wish you good luck!
Hi guys, I am in the mid 80s and wanting to lose 20kgs as well and would also love some support during my journey! :)
Hi Bec & Daniela,
Welcome! I hope your journey is successful.
A quick update from me, today is day 11 for me. I've lost 3.4kgs and almost 2% body fat. I'm running/walking combo for 5kms a day. I feel great. First few days a felt a little spacey and found it hard to sleep, but by day 3 I was fine. I don't have any probs sleeping anymore. Just have a dry mouth feeling, so drinking heaps of water which I love.
Would love to hear others updates... Have a great day
Hi Daniela, when did you start Duromine? Hopefully with the support we will all succeed in our weight loss journey. Apart from my husband no one knows I am taking them.

Skinny2be, congratulations on your weight loss, I'm glad your side effects have disappeared.

Can I ask you guys what dosage of Duromine you are taking? Last year when I tried it and didn't sleep I was on the 30mg but today I took a 15mg tablet, my dr said hopefully my side effects won't be as bad on the lower dose.
My Dr wanted me on the 30 mg but because of my side effects last time said try the 15mg but the weight loss would not be as great as if I were on the 30 mg.

I took my tablet at 4am when my husband got up for work (but that's when I took the 30mg last time I tried it too)
Hi fellow stalkers,its week 6 and we have all hbut disappeared.went oon holiday for two weeks and forgot my pills.Was frantic with worry,well I figured might as well indulge will fix damge when I get back.Suprise,suprise I ate as much as I wanted and enjooyed a few glasses of wine ,weighed myself when I got back,I had not gained agram but had lost instead 1.5kg.Total weight loss is now7kg......10kg to go.No exercise planning to start next week.

How r u guys doing?
That's great Sunny! Well done. I've lost almost 6kgs last weigh in (on Monday). I've been running 5kms 5x a week as well, so I'm feeling the best I have in years. The only side effect I seem to have is some breathlessness in the afternoons, otherwise I'm enjoying it!
It's my second day of 30mg duromine and tonight I feel incredibly dizzy. Not fainting dizzy, moreso that when my eyes move the world takes 2 seconds to catch up. Did anyone else experience this? Thank you x
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