Duromine & Mental and Mood Issues

Hi. Yes, feeling depressed and down is one of possible side effects of Duromine. I am sorry you have those. There is a big chance that they subside within the following 3-4 days.

And yes, that’s how Duromine works – it suppresses your appetite. Which should be used to develop healthy eating habits, like having 3 small healthy meals and 1-3 healthy snacks (depending on the length of your active day). I would also suggest you to start being more active, and it’s good if you begin with 30-minute walk a day.

Tomorrow, better have a wholegrain toast and a poached egg, or cottage cheese with a piece of tomato/cucumber, for breakfast. Start making your nutrition more diversified, so that you provide your body with all necessary substances, like proteins, fats, slow carbs, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Better avoid fruit in the first half of the day.

Hope, tomorrow will be a great day for you!
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Hey guys!
So I started taking duromine back in July/August. I completed the 1 month dose over nearly 2 months as I kept forgetting to take it *doh*... but with daily sessions at the gym the weight started coming off. First month taking it was pretty cruisy! The first night i couldnt sleep but it evened out in a couple days.
Anyways I went and got my 2nd script of 30mg back at the start of september but only just filled the script last week. This time its been absolutley aweful. Ive managed to sleep maybe 2-4 hours a night maximum for the first 7 nights, i have extreme restless legs that keep me awake all night, its even feeling like its all over my body and I cant sit still. Its been taking me 45 minutes to work myself up enough to make work phone calls and ive stopped all social contact as it feels so overwhelming. Ive had some mental health problems about 18 months ago where I was medicated (hello weight gain) but improved and gotten off the medication. However i was experiencing some stress recently and the symptoms of lack of sleep, anxiety and mild depression was there and wondering if now the duromine is contributing to some recent downfalls of my mental state, or am I possibly just not doin well again? Is duromine noted to effect mental state? Any personal experiences? Thank you!
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Hi, I haven't had personal experience of the above but know it's possible it could be either one. It could be just coincidence your mental health issues have emerged again or the duromine could have contributed to this especially with not sleeping etc. Hopefully you have a trusted dr you see who you can go back to and discuss the above as no weight loss is worth jeopardizing your mental health for!! You are welcome to pm me anytime, even just to talk and hope you will be feeling better soon ♡ jo
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Hi @Jmgb88

Sounds like you’ve had a tough week, I’m so sorry to hear it.
The stress and anxiety you’ve been experiencing and taking duromine again could definitely linked, and I believe it is relatively common especially on the higher doses. Essentially we are getting very similar physiological effects to the ones we get from anxiety - which on top of severe lack of sleep is likely to make us feel actually anxious and potentially a bit despairing. I’ve also struggled with anxiety and depression in the past - hang in there, the good news is it usually settles back down after a little as your body adjusts. However it could be good to ask your doctor for 15mg at this stage. You could potentially use it to adjust back up to 30mg later if you wanted. The experience people get second time round on duromine after a break seems to vary wildly so that could explain the change for you this time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, these can help to get you through the moment:
Take a breathe an take some time to lay down and breathe slowly - fully in and out. Lying down sends signals to our bodies to calm down naturally. Then try the below ‘take five minutes’ approach @Rava suggested. I’ve used it myself a number of times to cope with anxiety (pre and post duromine):

“If these feelings are trying to overtake you - take 5 minutes. Lay down, take deep breaths and close your eyes. Focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this 10 times.
Keep your eyes closed and now what can you hear? Try and hear 5 things and say them out loud.
The exercise is a way of bringing you "back to the present””

If you later feel like you need to move, take it outside and put on a quick guided meditation. The walking can be an outlet for the jitters with meditation guide a way to get out of our own heads and be more present and more calm... (youtube vids, podcasts and apps offer this). If there is a beach or a sandpit nearby, sit in the sand. Then run the cool sand through your fingers and scrunch it in your hands while breathing as above- count them out. Trust me this helps :)

@Rava gave some further fabulous advice to someone with a similar issue (see the images attached/uploaded). You aren’t alone in this - goodluck and hang on!


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Jo666 said:
Hi, I haven't had personal experience of the above but know it's possible it could be either one. It could be just coincidence your mental health issues have emerged again or the duromine could have contributed to this especially with not sleeping etc. Hopefully you have a trusted dr you see who you can go back to and discuss the above as no weight loss is worth jeopardizing your mental health for!! You are welcome to pm me anytime, even just to talk and hope you will be feeling better soon ♡ jo

Thank you for your reply!
I decided not to take it today for atleast a 24 hour break to see if it helps. I slept poorly again last night but possibly a bit better than previous nights. Im still very restless, like my legs and arms are crawling at the skin and annoying restless legs. My patience with life today is very short as well, Just went grocery shopping and ended up yelling like a maniac at my toddler when she was misbehaving. Im going to wait until my husband is home from shift on Wednesday and make a drs appointment then. I don't think I can cope taking my 3 youngens along with me!
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Louise Kaye said:
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Hi @Jmgb88

Sounds like you’ve had a tough week, I’m so sorry to hear it.
The stress and anxiety you’ve been experiencing and taking duromine again could definitely linked, and I believe it is relatively common especially on the higher doses. Essentially we are getting very similar physiological effects to the ones we get from anxiety - which on top of severe lack of sleep is likely to make us feel actually anxious and potentially a bit despairing. I’ve also struggled with anxiety and depression in the past - hang in there, the good news is it usually settles back down after a little as your body adjusts. However it could be good to ask your doctor for 15mg at this stage. You could potentially use it to adjust back up to 30mg later if you wanted. The experience people get second time round on duromine after a break seems to vary wildly so that could explain the change for you this time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, these can help to get you through the moment:
Take a breathe an take some time to lay down and breathe slowly - fully in and out. Lying down sends signals to our bodies to calm down naturally. Then try the below ‘take five minutes’ approach @Rava suggested. I’ve used it myself a number of times to cope with anxiety (pre and post duromine):

“If these feelings are trying to overtake you - take 5 minutes. Lay down, take deep breaths and close your eyes. Focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this 10 times.
Keep your eyes closed and now what can you hear? Try and hear 5 things and say them out loud.
The exercise is a way of bringing you "back to the present””

If you later feel like you need to move, take it outside and put on a quick guided meditation. The walking can be an outlet for the jitters with meditation guide a way to get out of our own heads and be more present and more calm... (youtube vids, podcasts and apps offer this). If there is a beach or a sandpit nearby, sit in the sand. Then run the cool sand through your fingers and scrunch it in your hands while breathing as above- count them out. Trust me this helps :)

@Rava gave some further fabulous advice to someone with a similar issue (see the images attached/uploaded). You aren’t alone in this - goodluck and hang on!

Hello! Thank you for your reply and your suggestions :) I'll absolutley try some tactics to destress when I have 5 minutes to myself (x3 kids, work, a husband on long shift work arghhh)
Its funny, the sand suggestion is great as I usually sit at our local playgroup sessions playing in the sand with my toddler as it relaxs me! If there was a beach nearby I would so be there! (7 hours away from the nearest one) perhaps i should buy some kinetic sand for *thekids* haha.

I didnt take the duromine today, in hopes maybe a rest from it may get me a few hours solid sleep and hopefully that will help ease the anxiety, stress and help.me feel a lil less miserable!
Jmgb88 said:
Hello! Thank you for your reply and your suggestions :) I'll absolutley try some tactics to destress when I have 5 minutes to myself (x3 kids, work, a husband on long shift work arghhh)
Its funny, the sand suggestion is great as I usually sit at our local playgroup sessions playing in the sand with my toddler as it relaxs me! If there was a beach nearby I would so be there! (7 hours away from the nearest one) perhaps i should buy some kinetic sand for *thekids* haha.

I didnt take the duromine today, in hopes maybe a rest from it may get me a few hours solid sleep and hopefully that will help ease the anxiety, stress and help.me feel a lil less miserable!

No worries @Jmgb88 :)

I think Rava (a lovely regular on the forum) had to skip a few days too due to insomnia, and ended up going down to the 15mg and get a lot better.

If you have time her thread is worth a read, she always has interesting insights and does some great research.

Haha for the *kids* love it! I do the same with my niece and nephew when I take them to Disney/animation movies and water slides etc... all for the *kids* ;)

Good luck with the sleep, I’m sure a day off will help. Just a thought - an over the counter sleeping aid like doxylamine (antihistamine and sleep aid) or something like melatonin (prescription but natural) could also be an option just to get you back from your serious sleep debt, and to restart so to speak (like after jetlag). I have terrible insomnia normally and had recently tried melatonin before I went in duromine. I’ve found it really helps me with the duromine insomnia, and waking up feeling good (without the usual sleep drug morning grogginess). I thought I’d share it as an option as I know a lot of duromine users use them just for the 3 months/duromine duration.

Whatever you decide for today and going forward, I’m sure a solid sleep will make you feel a million times better - hold on till then, you’ve got this!
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hello Jmgb88
hang in there!
duromine is a wonderful drug, but for some it can be a little intimidating,
all you need to remember is to stay strong and focused!
drinking plenty of water and exercise makes all the difference too..

Focus on your breathing, next time you feel that you are freaking out or feeling Anxiety,
i know it's easier said than done but a clear mind is so important while on D.

make sure you are taking duromine early in your day if that is possible.

you are among friends here, lots of great advice!
Louise Kaye, Jo666, Rava and April are all stars so never feel that you are
on this journey alone.

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Thanks for your support guys!
I think taking the 24 hour break has helped. My legs dont feel restless at the moment and i managed to sleep maybe 5 or 6 hours last night (doesnt sound alot but thats alot for me!) I feel mentally a little better but that could be because the last 48 hours have generally been less stressful than the last two weeks so will see if that changes!
The only thing bothering me now is I have a complusion to constantly pop my ears and right now its really making me feel uncomfortable! Such a weird thing i know but its bothers me and is so more now than usual. :confused:

Thanks Dre! Ive been keeping up with daily exercise and drinking loads of water, my job is in the sporting industry so luckily Im very active on a daily basis (didnt stop me getting fat though :rolleyes:) been trying to breathe alot more too and just generally be a little more mindful. Hoping the next week is a much more positive one :)
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@Jmgb88 - welcome to the forums :)

Glad to hear that having a break has helped! It definitely helped me with my insomnia as well. What I am regularly doing at the moment is not taking it on a Saturday or Sunday. Gives me time to catch up on my sleep, and funnily enough since doing this I am actually sleeping better when jumping back on it on the Monday morning. Go figure!

The only thing I wanted to suggest is that you could have your tablet every second day - if you can't get down to the Dr's as quickly as you wanted, and see if that helps :)
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I have a chronic anxiety disorder and had a similar experience but I was anticipating it. Because Duromine is a stimulant, this can increase anxiety as the drug stimulates the central nervous system thus exacerbating the symptoms experienced by those with anxiety disorders. As people have mentioned, this should subside to some degree as your body builds a tolerance.

There is excellent advice given above. I’m a huge fan of 5 things you can see, hear, touch and what can you smell. Also, and I know this is obvious but breathing is everything! It regulates an overly aroused nervous system. Lie down (if possible) close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth. Start with your toes and concentrate on stretching and flexing them. Then move to your feet, stretch and flex. Keep moving up your body whilst stretching and flexing each part; toes, feet, legs, butt, stomach, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers end with one whole body stretch that usually ends with a yawn too, lol. This activity works wonders for me so I hope it can help you.

I’d also add meditation to the mix. There are some excellent free guided (from 5 minute to 1hour+) meditations on YouTube. You can search for specific ones such as anxiety release, sleep ...
Download some and put them on your phone.

Melatonin is great for helping you to sleep but it won’t keep you asleep. Also, the melatonin in Australia is the homeopathic kind which is pretty useless. For whatever reason you need a script to get the real stuff. I use one that I purchase from America as it’s the real stuff, not diluted. I buy it on Amazon.
There are sleep aids that have doxylamine that you ask for over the counter at Chemists. These work, but you build up a tolerance to them. Also, antihistamines that are “drowsy” like Phenergan have some serious day time lag. You will sleep but find it difficult to rouse in the morning. Your head feels like it’s full of a heavy fog.

I get restless legs from one medication I took and was prescribed Propranolol which cured it. Duromine causes blood vessels to constrict and narrow which can cause restless leg syndrome. The drug Propranolol does the opposite, it opens the blood vessels up. This helps with my migraines too. There would be no need for Propranolol if you weren’t taking Duromine and I’m not sure a doctor would prescribe it to mitigate the restless leg side effect of Duromine though.

I hope some of that helps and that you’re feeling better today. Anxiety is a beast so I completely emphasise.
Thank you everyone for the suggestions and supportive comments! Ive been doing regular meditation before bed and generally tryin to take it easy! Just thought id share a lil update with how things are tracking.
Im down to 85kg, only 1kg loss since my last post but better than none! Ive only been taking duromine every 2nd or 3rd day though as im finding its still escalating my anxiety. Ive had a pretty rough couple of weeks with work and problems at home so im not going to start taking it everyday again until things are back on track. But im slowly getting to where I need to be! Ive had a couple weeks away from.the gym too so hoping when im.back exercising the weight will take a dip.
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That’s great that you’re losing weight! I know it’s probably not as fast as you would like but as long as the scale keeps going down and your clothes start getting looser then you’re doing great!
Duromine affected my anxiety levels too. What dose are you taking? I cut my 30mg capsules in half by getting some cheap vitamin capsules and emptying them out then opening the duromine capsule and splitting half of it into two other capsules. This may help you.
Meditation is excellent too! Breathing is everything with anxiety.
Jmgb88 said:
Thank you everyone for the suggestions and supportive comments! Ive been doing regular meditation before bed and generally tryin to take it easy! Just thought id share a lil update with how things are tracking.
Im down to 85kg, only 1kg loss since my last post but better than none! Ive only been taking duromine every 2nd or 3rd day though as im finding its still escalating my anxiety. Ive had a pretty rough couple of weeks with work and problems at home so im not going to start taking it everyday again until things are back on track. But im slowly getting to where I need to be! Ive had a couple weeks away from.the gym too so hoping when im.back exercising the weight will take a dip.

Hey @Jmgb88 glad things are going better for you! and congrats on your loss! a kilo is a kilo :)

In regards to the anxiety only you can fix that, and I think its about finding something that works for you. The 5 things work for me, as well as deep breathing, but everybody is different and you just have to find that thing that switches you back to the present.

I know you can do this, and I am absolutely positive you will succeed *hugs*
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I have been on my journey for 9 weeks now. The 1st 4 weeks were on the 30mgs and the only side effect I had was a dry mouth. The GP put me on the 40mg as my problem is my metabolism has stalled and weight loss is extremely slow,though a loss is a loss. But I have noticed the past few weeks I get very agitated very quickly so I have to be extremely mindful of this all the time. I also have to do any physical work ie exercise, gardening in shorter bursts as I get cold, sweaty and feel faint. Everyone is different and its great that you are aware of whats going on with your body/emotions. This journey isnt as easy as people think and this forum is great for advice.
Good luck
VictoriaGirl said:
That’s great that you’re losing weight! I know it’s probably not as fast as you would like but as long as the scale keeps going down and your clothes start getting looser then you’re doing great!
Duromine affected my anxiety levels too. What dose are you taking? I cut my 30mg capsules in half by getting some cheap vitamin capsules and emptying them out then opening the duromine capsule and splitting half of it into two other capsules. This may help you.
Meditation is excellent too! Breathing is everything with anxiety.

Im currently taking the 30mg. Ive been skipping days quite regularly and that seems to help, but the idea of splitting them is a good idea! Its good (but not good) to hear im not the only one feeling this effect. Im feeling okish today though (although its 1230am and no way im gonna fall asleep anytime soon) on the positive side a little woosh seems to have happened and im down to 84kg today! How are you finding the weightloss? Outweighs the side effects for you do you think?
lee buys said:
I have been on my journey for 9 weeks now. The 1st 4 weeks were on the 30mgs and the only side effect I had was a dry mouth. The GP put me on the 40mg as my problem is my metabolism has stalled and weight loss is extremely slow,though a loss is a loss. But I have noticed the past few weeks I get very agitated very quickly so I have to be extremely mindful of this all the time. I also have to do any physical work ie exercise, gardening in shorter bursts as I get cold, sweaty and feel faint. Everyone is different and its great that you are aware of whats going on with your body/emotions. This journey isnt as easy as people think and this forum is great for advice.
Good luck
Hi! Im sorry to hear you're also feeling some nasty effects :( seems to be quite common, which is also comforting. I feel you with the agitation. Im finding it easy to get worked up and i have little to no patience with my kids at the moment. And i feel a little sorry for my workmates!
Yhe feeling faint thing i was feeling at the start of this round (i had a big break between round 1 and round 2 so i think my body had to adapt again, but seems to have passed now. I hope your side effects ease off soon. You are very right in the fact we can identify our moods, emotions etc. If i wasnt making myself aware of my actions and feelings id hate to see what id be like!
Rava said:
Hey @Jmgb88 glad things are going better for you! and congrats on your loss! a kilo is a kilo :)

In regards to the anxiety only you can fix that, and I think its about finding something that works for you. The 5 things work for me, as well as deep breathing, but everybody is different and you just have to find that thing that switches you back to the present.

I know you can do this, and I am absolutely positive you will succeed *hugs*
Hi Rava!
Thank you for the support :)
I've gone down another kg now! So im absolutley stoked! Ive noticed my face is thinning out, which i am so pleased with! Still having some effects with anxiety but I was experiencing depression ontop of it before but now generally i feel in good spirits, just heightened anxiety when im stressed. Im trying to make sure im communicating my needs to my hubby to make sure he knows i need his support, even just asking him to collect the kids from school for more and ask him to assist with errands and house work. Last couple days hes been helpful so im finding that helps! Im realising working, studying, taking care of 3 young children, their activities, schooling, house work, shopping and other daily errands is just becoming too much to handle alone, specially on limited sleep. (Even right now its nearly 1am , i cant sleep and im thinking about the washing.... good lord why is there so much washing)
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@Jmgb88 that is awesome! I am so glad you are losing, but better yet that you are noticing your loss :)

Sounds like you have a plan in place if things get too much, again I always think its better to be prepared than having to deal with a "what the hell" situation.

Washing = children = doesn't stop = even at 18 and 19 years old :) :) :)
I used duromine 13 years ago and lost 30 kgs, I've just started it again on 30 mg, and it's awful. I can't maintain a decent mood. I'm up and down, not angry, just empty. It's only day 2. I never had these feelings last time round. Does anyone else experience this?
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