

Staff member
Staff member
Jan 13, 2017
It's your Duromine Month 2! Almost all the most challenging things are behind. Now you are in the middle of your weight loss journey on Duromine.

What are people interested in during this period?

  • Duromine male experience
  • Different adverse reactions
  • Duromine doesn't work
  • Excess skin
  • Increasing the dosage
  • Difficulty in exercising

If you read all the messages here, you will find out that most people start losing 1 kilo weekly by the second month. However, there are also cases when our users have lost 18 and even 22 kilos in total by this date! That's so inspiring, isn't it?!:sun:

But let's calm down if you don't see significant changes. First and foremost, there are changes in your mind and soul. You’ve just started to live a new healthy life. Sometimes you want to give up, and you can't find motivation. So, that's why we all are here!
You see yourself daily and may not notice the difference in the mirror. I would recommend taking pictures weekly to see your real progress. And it works, trust me!

One more exciting thing is that some people think that Duromine doesn't work because they sleep well and have no energy, while others experience insomnia and energy boost. In fact, all these are adverse reactions. And it is pretty normal to sleep well on Duromine.
Do you have any other questions? Do you want to share your experience? Welcome to the ‘Duromine Month 2’ thread!

I just saw your post and I have to get ready for work in a tick so I will try and be quick! I lost 6 kg in the first month and yesterday when getting the second script, I mentioned to this Dr that I see on these forums, so many people being wide awake and having so much energy and little appetite and here I am, sleeping like normal, no extra energy and what feels like a normal appetite (apart from no more cravings) and she told me that those things are side effects and it's better not to have them and 6 kg in a month is great when you are eating well and exercising so don't despair! I completely understand how you feel as I have a fair bit of weight to lose and a little one and I was hoping for this amazing energy boost and dreaming of 10kg loss in a month but one thing that makes me feel much better is that the slower and steadier the weight loss, the less chance of saggy skin!

Hope you are going well and good luck to you! By Christmas we'll be machines!
Hello Shannon!;)

First of all, you shouldN't be sorry for long or short posts, this is what we are here for, right?
You had/have a problem with your weight, as lots of our girls have here. To begin with, I want to tell you: Do not despair!

Those six kilograms you lost in a month - pretty normal thing for some people. Don't forget: your numbers quite big and so the weight loss process might go slower than in other people, sorry saying that. Please don't take offence on me, I'm just trying to help, as I had the same situation. Well not exactly identical to yours, but similar...

I'm sorry to know that you also suffer from pain in feet...can't imagine how you work. I hope the operation will go perfect and will remove this disorder. Just hold on and keep believing everything will be fine and you can do everything!

I think the best thing is that we are WOMEN, so we can bear a lot of stuff, including pain, health disorders, work, housekeeping, children, men, etc.. So you are strong - please don't forget this!!!

About seeing changes in your appearance: sorry to disappoint you, but at first you will not see them. Just keep you diet plan and take pills as you usually do and weigh yourself as you do too.
The changes might come suddenly, then you will see the difference. Perfect advice - to take photos once a month for example.

Because you look in the mirror every day and simply get used to how you look. But on the photos you will see the difference clearly.

ps. I am very glad to meet a person like you, such straightforward, let me say. It took me two years to drop my weight dramatically. And still, after all this time I keep working on this direction. I'll never go back to what I was and to my past meals. My life has changed for good. So can yours too! :cool:
Hello everyone well another week in which I only lost 0.2kgs. I am not unhappy about that at all 6 weeks in and have lost something every week so cannot complain and it is the easiest method of losing weight I have ever tried. I have had success with other diets like optifast and Dukan and although I lost weight quickly they were very hard to stick to mentally and when I came off them the weight came back plus more. With Duromine though I feel so much more in control especially with cravings and junk food.
I didn't exercise much last week and didn't eat as well which probably explains only losing 200g. This week though I am flying have eaten very well and exercised every day so hoping to keep that going through the long weekend and until my Wednesday morning weigh in. I shall try and check in a bit more often but will only update my progress once a week hopefully on a Wednesday night. Hope you are all doing well.

AFTER WEEK 1 - 113.7kgs lost 6.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 2 - 113.5kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 3 - 111.0kgs lost 2.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 4 - 110.6kgs lost 0.4kgs
AFTER WEEK 5 - 109.6kgs lost 1.0kgs
AFTER WEEK 6 - 109.4kgs lost 0.2kgs
Well the extra exercise may have helped I could have been even better with eating this week so very happy with loss. If I had of been absolutely perfect I think I could have managed a 2kg loss so that's something to aim at. Entering last 11 days of prescription really hoping for at least one more month fingers crossed. A pattern has emerged it seems every Rdo week is a good loss not sure why all I can think is I get the whole day to exercise a little more. Hopefully I can change that this week as the pattern shows it will be a low loss I will be trying best to make it a good loss. Hope you are all going well

AFTER WEEK 1 - 113.7kgs lost 6.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 2 - 113.5kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 3 - 111.0kgs lost 2.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 4 - 110.6kgs lost 0.4kgs
AFTER WEEK 5 - 109.6kgs lost 1.0kgs
AFTER WEEK 6 - 109.4kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 7 - 108.2kgs lost 1.2kgs
Hello Mr.BeachBum!:)
Let me tell you that you do great and I wish you to get your next prescription, like you want to.
Despite small numbers in last weeks of your journey, I would say you have lost quite amount of weight! Good job! You deserve a reward.;)
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Woohoo! Pretty happy with this weeks result (-0.9kgs) as I did have a couple of naughty meals and my exercise was down although I did manage 40 laps non stop on Saturday in pool a personal best.
Maybe the fact I didn't over eat on the naughty stuff and had to actually throw out left overs helped. Usually I would have scoffed it all in the past. Was a bit down after tearing calf muscle the other day as that has restricted my exercise but today's weigh in has pumped me right back up.
Tomorrow morning is back to the doctors and D Day to see whether or not I get to continue on duromine my guess is no but really hoping I can or at least only have a month off it.
Hope you are all winning the battle keep with it duromine really can help you change your eating habits. I certainly plan to keep eating and exercising the same if I come off it. Keep smiling.

AFTER WEEK 1 - 113.7kgs lost 6.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 2 - 113.5kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 3 - 111.0kgs lost 2.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 4 - 110.6kgs lost 0.4kgs
AFTER WEEK 5 - 109.6kgs lost 1.0kgs
AFTER WEEK 6 - 109.4kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 7 - 108.2kgs lost 1.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 8 - 107.3kgs lost 0.9kgs
Hello hello BeachBum!
We've been missing you:)
It's nice to know that you are trying to keep the same diet plan after you finish your pills. Maybe it's not easy at the beginning, but you can do it, since I could.
Again the numbers are impressive!
Take care!
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WOOHOO saw the doctor this morning she was very happy with progress and that the only side effect has been dry mouth. She decided to give me another 2 month supply of 30mg. She said it can plateau after awhile so keep an eye on weight. I am definitely going to do another month and assess after that. I may then take 2-4 weeks off to see how body and I react. If all good I will start to use the other month after that. Hope to get close to 100kgs in 4-6 weeks that would be awesome. Just need calf to get better quickly so I can walk/jog again soon.
Have a great day mine is now awesome. Also shortest day of year here so finally start the run towards spring and summer yay
Not sure anybody is interested any more but I shall continue my Journey for now on here hope anybody who reads this is going well.

So as you will see from numbers below I gained for the first time on duromine. Was disappointed but overall still have lost a good amount and being injured and not eating as well as weeks before 1.3kgs doesn't seem bad.
I cant say I am looking forward to this Wednesday at weigh in. If I gain 2 weeks in a row I will be shattered and that normally leads to the vicious circle of having bad food for comfort.
Even though calf far from good I have tried to swim more and just walk no running for now. Exercise is such a key to duromine I believe even getting a 20-30 minute walk in a day makes a difference.
I certainly wish it was October here already so I could bike ride after work cannot wait for warmer weather.

So I shall try and call in two days from now and let you know how I went good or bad.
I am seriously thinking of taking a month of duromine and work hard to maintain or lose weight then us my last month of duromine after that and see if it kick starts of again. Will be very interesting to find out one way or another thats for sure.
Keep at it guys and keep smiling

AFTER WEEK 1 - 113.7kgs lost 6.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 2 - 113.5kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 3 - 111.0kgs lost 2.5kgs
AFTER WEEK 4 - 110.6kgs lost 0.4kgs
AFTER WEEK 5 - 109.6kgs lost 1.0kgs
AFTER WEEK 6 - 109.4kgs lost 0.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 7 - 108.2kgs lost 1.2kgs
AFTER WEEK 8 - 107.3kgs lost 0.9kgs
AFTER WEEK 9 - 108.6kgs gained 1.3kgs
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Looks like my journey has died on here not even sure it has been viewed. I hoped to get motivation and to hear the inspiring journey of others. Maybe it was the fact that i was obe of only a few males here I dont know. It seems my journey is also mimicking the lack of interaction on here as I have been up and down with that as well. In my last week now of my third packet and have decided to have a break after these as I believe body has adjusted to duromine. I shall search for another blogging type site or helpful site to try and get me out of rut as I really do not want to go back to what I was. I hope you all have success. Thank you Kate for welcoming me in the beginning and for a few of your motivating replies. To anyone else who came upon my journey I hoped it helped you even if it was only in a small way. Good luck everyone who actually sees this. Hope your numbers always drop c
BeachBum said:
Looks like my journey has died on here not even sure it has been viewed. I hoped to get motivation and to hear the inspiring journey of others. Maybe it was the fact that i was obe of only a few males here I dont know. It seems my journey is also mimicking the lack of interaction on here as I have been up and down with that as well. In my last week now of my third packet and have decided to have a break after these as I believe body has adjusted to duromine. I shall search for another blogging type site or helpful site to try and get me out of rut as I really do not want to go back to what I was. I hope you all have success. Thank you Kate for welcoming me in the beginning and for a few of your motivating replies. To anyone else who came upon my journey I hoped it helped you even if it was only in a small way. Good luck everyone who actually sees this. Hope your numbers always drop c

Hello BeachBum!:)
It's a pity and a shame no ladies have supported your journey posts here! I'm sorry, I was away last week, I had some things to do + vacation... But I have always been reading your posts here! Maybe you are right and some ladies just "scared" having conversation with male representative on this forum, o_O maybe there is another reason. It's just that we are used to post almost every day, some actually do so. And your posts come once a week or so. Please don't take offence on us.
But I hope you will change your mind and give us another chance;) to prove we DO care about your success!
I do. Because as many know, I had to go through the same once. So I know how hard it is and how instable mood can be during these days. And you have doubts whether you will lose more weight or not...
BTW, what numbers do you have at the moment? Last update was 108.6kg as I see. You said that your body "has adjusted to duromine", if so, then it is reasonable to take some break. But I am sure you know best what to do.
p.s. Take care of you, darling and I wish you success in this weight loss fight!
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Hi Beachbum, not sure if you will see this if you have found another site already :) I prodominantly write in and scroll through the blogs so I hadn't seen your post previously. I think the way of this site is that the amount of comments or support you receive will tend to vary during differant times. I update my blog daily generally but life can get in the way yea :) Anyhow you have done a really great job so far and I hope you don't get too dissenheartened or disspirited- or any other dis word and throw in the towel. I totally agree that exercise is key for results and for mental well being too. You're just happier when you are active as a whole. It really sucks when an injury slows things down or prevents you from keeping active, make sure to take care of yourself and only do low impact until you have healed up. Good luck.
Hi Guys,

I must admit I've been following all the posts and have been finding everyone really inspiring, so I thought I'd join the fun..
I've been taking Duromine since Nov 8th (just over 5 week) and although I haven't lost as much as some, I'm really happy with my progress so far. As well as the fact that I've had minimal side effects.

The only problem I'm having is a complete lack of motivation to start exercising, due to all the common excuses. Anyone else out there struggling with this?? I know that I have to just do it, but I seem to be a great procrastinator.

Diet wise I'm trying to be really strict with myself (good 95% of the time). I've been drinking the tony ferguson shakes, mostly one a day mid morning, an afternoon snack, normally a low carb protein bar or a small pack of almonds, and a small healthy dinner. I've also tried cut out drinking anything but water which I've found kind of easy with Duromine as I find that I'm alway a little thirsty. I would like to mention thou, that in the past 5 weeks I attended my sisters wedding (lots of wine and wedding cake) and had a few Christmas events lately (big spreads of Christmas fair and a few alcoholic beverages) hence the 95%.......but I think that I still want to enjoy life (and food) and not completely deprave myself or so I keep telling myself. Lol

So my week 6 weight in will be this Friday (Dec 20th) and heres hoping I've hit the 10kg mark. if all goes to plan I should be continuing Duromine for another 6 weeks after that, fingers crossed I'm on track for 20 kg in 12 weeks, maybe more if I can find the motivation to exercise.

H: 171cm
CW:97.5 (week 5 weight in)
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You seem to be doing awesome!
Totally understand the thirstyness, I'm exact the same
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Hello, Milstar! Welcome to the forum!
Fingers crossed for your 6th week!!!
Good luck and stay motivated, you've gone too far to give up now!;)
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Weight in this week = 96.1
That's a total of 10.4kgs in six weeks!!!! So happy, fingers crossed for next week and some extra restraint over the Christmas period.

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Well that's a gradual weight loss. Very good result, I think! Good luck and stay strong during holydays;)
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Solid results another inspiring story :0 In regards to the exercise motivation my tip is not to exhaust yourself the first day so that you dread training again. Take is slow and steady set small goals for each week that you want to achieve and don't compare yourself with others just work on improving yourself week to week. Eventually the exercise will become part of your routine and you will grow to love it as soon as the results kick in you will be hooked :)

Keep up the good work :laughing:
Hi all

Hope everyone is doing great on their weight loss journey... Managed to lose 1kg this week without any exercise and I'm really happy even if its a small loss.... so heres my 5 week update...

SW -3 July 2014 - 95kg
-10 July 2014 - 91kg
-17 July 2014 - 90kg
-24 July 2014 - 88kg
-31 July 2014 - 87kg
CW-07 Aug 2014 - 86kg (9kg loss - 21kg to go)

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