Hi all,
Today is my first day taking Duromine 30mg, and I wanted to document my experience to look back on, and to also put out there for people like me with a similar situation. Its been very helpful for me reading these forums before starting duromine and I hope my posts can do the same for others. Quick back story, I am a 30 year old female and have PCOS and have had (well that I know of) for the last 10 years. I've always kept my weight in check somewhat. I was about 70kgs when diagnosed ten years ago. Since them I have fluctuated between the 70s-80kgs range but its only been the last few years that I hit the 90s. I have been in the 90s for maybe 2 years. I have had irregular periods during this time but its never all that bad. From January to May this year I did not get a period at all, and that is when I packed on an extra 10kg, which was of course a shock to me ,as I have never gained that amount of weight in such a short time frame. In this time I tried numerous things to lose weight. Walking, calorie restriction and also keto for a month and lost nothing. I got a period in June which was amazing but still no progress with weight loss, and so I then decided to see a doctor at the end of last month and had some blood taken just to see if there was anything else going on. Surprisingly my sugars and insulin were fine, thyroid fine. I do have elevated androgen levels, which my doctor explained could very well be why I am having a hard time losing any weight.
I will admit I was hesitant to start duromine, its not something I ever thought I would do as I had heard bad things about it in the past. I am not a fan of taking medicine unless its absolutely necessary and unfortunately with my rapid weight gain, I feel it is kind of a last resort. My goal weight I have listed is 75kgs which means I have 25kgs to lose. I would however happily sit around the 80kg mark, even though I would still be classed as 'overweight' in that range, I feel great at that size. I certainly do not feel great at my current size, I am sluggish, experience shortness of breath and am mentally not happy at all. I am embarrassed to leave the house if I am honest.
I took my first tablet at about 8am today. I have read that alot of people take it earlier, so I will wait and see how I go tonight with sleeping and if I have any issues I will try to take it earlier. So far I am not hungry at all. I never usually eat breakfast but I do get pretty hungry around lunch time (which is right now). I am already experiencing the dry mouth, but its no big deal, I am just drinking alot of water.
If you read all of that and are interested in following my experience, I will be aiming to update here everyday and or/week (depending on how eventful or uneventful my days are).